2. Making A Baby (Smut)

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Joel 💙

Recently Joel and I were talking about having a baby together. We are still not sure weather we want to rush into it being young and not married but I guess that's not a reason why we could not try. I love babies and would love one of my own one day with Joel of course as he's the love of my life. I am over at Joel's family home where he lives with his mom and brothers. I spend a lot of time there and I love it. I love spending time with Joel. We are sat on the couch with our arms around each just enjoying being together. "Babe, you know how we were saying we wanted a baby together. Well I think we should kinda start now" he said. "Yeah but maybe not right this second. Your family is around" I reply. "But they won't even notice" he smirks. A few minutes later Joel takes my hand drags me upstairs to his room. He closes the door and dims the light and looks at me and steps closer to me and starts kissing to me. "I love you, Y/ N" Joel says as he's kissing me. We kiss softly for a few hours before pacing closer to the bed. Joel takes off his shirt and zips down his pants. I take off my top and allow him to pull down my leggings. Joel picks me up and places me in his bed and then gets on top of me. He kisses my lips slowly again as he's on top of me and runs his hands down my legs. Soon he pulls down my panties and his own underwear too. We made passionate love and you never know it might have made a baby. We kinda hope so in a way

Richard ❤️

Richard and I are very keen to have a baby of our own soon and we would love that sometime soon so we better get on with the baby making soon. We've been engaged for a while but we have no plans to get married just atm. Richard has had a late night in the studio tonight so I'm waiting for him to come home. I can't wait to see him soon when he gets home. It's approaching 10pm and I'm sat on the couch in my pjs waiting for him to arrive home. He said he would be late but hopefully he'll be back soon. I'm watching a TV and soon the door opens and Richard walks in the front door. "Hey, baby. I'm home" he said. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" I reply. "It was pretty cool but I'm glad to be home to you now, sexy" Richard replies. He sits next to me on the couch and kisses me. "You know I'm kinda on the mood" he said. "In the mood for what?" I ask. "You know what. Baby making" Richard said. "Yeah okay but I thought you'd just wanna go to bed" I say. He all of a sudden sweeps me off my feet and carries me into our bedroom. I laugh as he places me down on our kingsized bed. Richard starts kissing my mouth roughly. Damn I love it. After a few minutes of heavy making out, he lifts up my top and slips it over my head. He then runs his hands down my body till he gets up my bottoms and pulls them down my legs. Richard takes off his shirt and pants and we were in our underwear. We quickly got naked and then started making love in bed. Richard takes his massive dick in his hand an inserts it into my vagina. "Fuck, Rich" I say. "Fuck, you too" he said. "Faster" I scream. He thrusts up and down on me faster as I like it. We do it for a while till we get tired and fall asleep together. I'm glad we had sex tonight as it was great. Hopefully great baby making sex

Erick 💜

I have joined Erick on tour for a little while. He's on a US tour with the boys and I love being on the road with him. It brings me so much joy seeing my boy doing what he does best. Some weeks ago we talked about maybe having a baby together but you know it's kinda early stages of our relationship but if we have a baby then so be it. The other guys have decided to go out for lunch but me and Erick just felt like staying backstage at the venue because why not. We are sat on the couch in one of the backstage rooms. "Babe, I know what we should do" Erick said. "What?" I say looking up at him. "Make some love. Maybe make a baby" he said. "Okay if you want. There's no one around so yes" I reply. "I knew you'd say yes, baby" he said. Erick shuffles closer to me and starts kissing my mouth. We kiss quite passionately for a few minutes before it gets a little rougher. Erick pushes me down on the couch and he gets on top of me. He kisses my lips again and then down my neck before unbuttoning my top and taking it off. Erick whispers all sorts of dirty things in my ear. He pulls off his hoodie and then his jeans and it shows off his sexy bulge. Erick then kisses down my neck and chest area again. "Come on,  any. I'm coming for you" he said. "Ready" I reply. "Imma put a baby in you" he said. Erick goes in me and thrusts up and down on me for a while. Luckily no one walks in on us as we were having a great time. Wow! Making love backstage was so good

Zabdiel 🧡

Zabdiel and I are having a chill weekend together because why not. Sometimes we can be extra busy and it's lovely just to have sometime together and spend sometime together relaxing. It's amazing actually. It's Saturday evening and Zabdiel and I are sat on the couch watching a movie together and eating popcorn. We love having movie nights together. In all the years we've been together we must have had a million movie nights together. "Baby, I love weekends like this. We should make it a regular thing" Zabdiel said. "Yes we should, babe but sometimes it's not always possible" I reply. "I know" he replies. I smile. "Let's do it. Make a baby. We've kinda been trying on and off these last few weeks" he said. "Yeah sure if you want. You know I'm kinda in the mood to try too" I reply. Zabdiel and I go into our room to have sex. He places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him and starts kissing me. "Your lips taste so good, mi amor" he said. I smile. I first remove my top and Zabdiel removes his too. He pulls down his sweatpants followed by his underwear at the same time so he was naked right in front of me. I do the same and we were both naked now. I'm not wearing a bra as we are just in the house. We scramble under the covers of our bed. Zabdiel is on the bottom and I'm on the top. We continue to kiss now that we are in bed. We make out for a while longer before we get into the love making part. I feel Zabdiel's member slip into me. He has a nice sized one. Haha. I ride up and down on him for a while as we make passionate love to each other. It was amazing making love. Probably one of the best love making sessions we've ever had

Christopher 💚

Christopher and I have been trying for a baby for the last couple months or so. So far we've had no results but we gotta give it time. You don't just get pregnant in a split second. We can't wait to have a baby. Possibly soon. Chris and I are laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. Most nights we don't fall asleep till pretty late. That's if we've been busy with one thing and another which we have today. This is when we usual resort to making love. Wish we are laid beside each other in bed. "Babe, I can't fall asleep without you" he said. "Babe, you're not without me. I'm right next to you" I reply. "That's not what I mean. I mean without us making love. We need to try baby making again" Chris says. "Okay let's try now if want" I reply. "Of course" he smiles. Christopher sits up and comes over to me and gets on top of me. We starts kissing me. When it comes to intimacy, Chris and I like both. Rough and soft sex depending on what mood we'll be in. Right now I think we'll have soft sex. Anyway he kisses me and rolls up my top and kisses my body before pulling down my pj bottoms. He then kisses down my stomach and legs too before pulling down his pants. He is shirtless. Christopher continues to kiss me before making the next move. He inserts his member into my vagina and rides up and down on me slowly. This is probably the best kind of sex for making a baby. "Nice and easy, babe" he said. "Hmmm" he said. So we carry on having baby making sex and it was amazing and we really hope it pays off and I get pregnant soon

A/ N: so two parts in the first day as I promised

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