35. First Bath

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Joel 💙

Me and Joel are about to give baby Oliver his first bath. We are a little apprehensive about giving him a bath as we are not sure like he'll like the temperature of the water but they say you can give your baby their first bath when the umbilical cord stump has come off which is around two weeks of age and Oliver is two weeks old now. We are getting him ready for his first bath now. Joel and I get set up in the kitchen. Patrica has already talked us through how to give Oliver a bath so we don't really need her help. Joel gives Oliver undressed and ready for his bath while I get the water at the right temperature. It needs to be warm but not too hot obviously. I tested it with my elbow when I've run it. "Think that's a good temperature. Now we can give him his first bath" I say. "Good. I'll lift him in" Joel said. He lifts Oliver into the bath and we splash water on him so he can get used to the temperature of the water. Joel holds him with a firm grip so he doesn't slip. "I think he likes it" Joel said. Then Oliver let's out a little cry. "I think he's had enough" I say. "Yeah let's get him out" Joel said. "I'll wash him out of the tub" I say. He lifts Oliver out and we lay him on his towel on the kitchen top. I give him a light wash with cottonwool like I've been doing. We kinda gave him his first bath. We will attempt properly another time

Richard ❤️

Richard and I are going to give baby Ricardo his first bath this afternoon. He's a couple of weeks old so we can give him his first bath. Yay! It's just been new year. We are doing it in the bathroom with the baby bath in the bath as our kitchen is pretty small so we can't really do it in there. Aaliyah is over too but obviously she won't be helping. Richard starts filling the bath and getting ready while I get Ricardo ready for his first bath. I fed him not so long ago so he should be okay. I undress him in his room but keep his diaper on and I carry him into the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Is he all ready?" Richard asks. "Yes he is" I reply. "Let's get him in. The bath is all ready for him" he said. I take Ricardo's diaper off and wipe him before Richard lifts him into the bath. "Are you ready for your bath, little man?" he said. Richard holds him as he's got strong arms. I kneel down beside him and make sure Ricardo is okay. He seems to be enjoying his first bath so far. He kicking his legs and moving his arms. I give him a lotto wash as Richard is holding him. The water was just the right temperature for him. He didn't flinch at all. After just under 10 minutes we lift Ricardo out of the bath and wrap him in his lovely warm towel that's been warming on the radiator. "There we go. Was that good?" I say. I dry him and get him warm. Aaliyah walks into the bathroom when we just finished. "Daddy, can I have a bath?" she asks. "Yep but later, sweetie. Just before you go to bed" Richard replies. "Okay" Aaliyah replies. So Ricardo's first bath went great

Erick 💜


Me and Y/ N are going to give our little princess Sofia her first bath today. We are mostly excited to give her first bath but we don't want to drop her or hurt her or anything. We've been learning how to give a baby a bath during Y/ N's pregnancy and we learned at our prenatal classes too. Her mom has been giving his tips too. I am filling the baby bath and Y/ N is getting Sofia ready for her bath. She gets Sofia undressed and takes her diaper off for the bath. When the bath is filled, I bring it over to the kitchen bench. Y/ N lifts Sofia in. "Are you okay doing that? Or do you want me to do it" I say. "No I'm fine" I reply. We get Sofia used to the temperature of the water. We think she's enjoying her bath so far. I wash Sofia gently as Y/ N is holding her. She is holding her firmly. "Baby girl, you're enjoying that. Aren't you?" I say. "Yes she is. Daddy is giving her a nice wash" Y/ N replies. "I am. Only the best for my girl" I say. When Sofia was done in the bath, I lift her out and wrap her in her towel and me and Y/ N dry her off. We make sure she's properly dried before putting her clothes and diaper on. Sofia's first bath went really well and we are glad we gave her first bath tonight

Zabdiel 🧡

Zabdiel and I are going to give Gabriella and Isabella their first bath today. We are going to do it between us by bathing one twin at a time to make it easier. We have two baby baths so they both can get bathed at the same time. We are doing it in the kitchen as we have more room there and we both can do it together. Both the girls are laying in their Moses basket and Zabdiel is filling the baths with warm water. "How are you doing?" I ask. "Not bad. Almost there" he replies. A few minutes later we undress the girls and take them into the kitchen for their bath. Zabdiel takes Gabriella and I take Isabella. We lift them into the baths and get them used to the temperature of the water. Isabella is enjoying the bath but Gabriella not so much. She starts crying so Zabdiel has to lift her out. "It's okay, baby girl. Daddy is here" he said. Zabdiel dries Gabriella and lets her calm down before lifting her back into the bath. She wasn't 100% keen then but he managed to wash her. Isabella was the opposite and totally enjoyed it. I washed her too. We lift both babies out and get them dried and clothed. "Our girls just had their first bath" Zabdiel said. "They did. Gabby didn't like it that much" I reply. "She didn't but daddy was here to comfort her" he smiles. We sit down with the girls and relax for a while after we gave them their first bath

Christopher 💚

For the last few days, me and Chris have been giving Lydia little baths. Not for that long so far but we've been giving her little baths. We are going to give her another one today. This time for longer hopefully. Chris got home from the studio not so long ago but we want to get Lydia bathed first before we all get tired. We get everything in the bathroom we need and start filling the water. Christopher is in charge of that. "I test with my elbow. Right?" he asks. "Yes you do. Don't you remember" I say. "Yep I do" he said. I lay Lydia on the toilet seat and get her undressed and ready for her bath. I take off her dirty diaper and clean her up before we place her in the bath. Chris grabs her and lifts her in. "You know we should really get a baby bath, Y/ N. It would make life so much easier" he said. "Yeah I know. I've been looking but I just haven't found one yet" I reply. We gently splash the water over Lydia like we dud before. Think she's enjoying this bath more than the others. Christopher continues to hold her and I start washing her with lotion and a soft sponge. She doesn't mind the water and getting washed. Our little Lydia is such a good little girl. We she was done in the bath we lifted her out and wrapped her in a nice warm towel. "There we go. Was that good, Lyds?" Chris said. "I think she enjoyed it more than her other two baths" I reply. "Yep I think she did" he replies. We get her a clean diaper on and clothes on before having some dinner. Our little girl had another bath and enjoyed it

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