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Joel 💙

Joel and I are getting married today. We are having a small wedding at a registrars office. That's all we want and we can't wait to get married. It's a small and casual wedding. Like I haven't gone with the traditional white dress as I didn't want it. Joel and I are getting ready for our wedding now. I know it's somewhat bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding but we don't think it is. I'm in the bathroom getting my hair and makeup done. When we get home later we will be officially husband and wife. My parents wanted us to be married before the baby is born and we also wanted to. When I've got my hair and makeup I go back into Joel's bedroom where he's getting his suit on. He's wearing a smart grey suit. When we are married, I'm moving in with Joel and his family. I grab my dress that's hung on the closet door and and put it on. "Joel can you zip me up please?" I ask. "Of course I can. You don't have to ask" he replies. As he zips me up, my dress clings to my tummy a bit. I look in the mirror so does Joel. "Do you think it fits okay?" I ask. "Yes, babe. It's beautiful. I think that's a little baby bump you got there" Joel said. "Yeah it seems to be" I reply. "Awe. That's our beautiful baby in there and I can't wait to meet them" he said. "Me too" I reply. Joel bends down and kisses my little baby bump

Richard ❤️

Me and Richard are taking Aaliyah to the beach for the day. It's a beautiful day so why not. Aaliyah loves going to the beach so do we. A happy little family day on the beach. Can't wait to it. We are leaving soon as we want to make the most of the beautiful day on the beach. We have just had breakfast and Richard is getting Aaliyah ready to go. I'm In our room getting ready for the day. My hair and makeup is already done but I'm getting my bikini on and my bag packed with everything I need for the day. Like spare clothes, water bottle, snacks, sunglasses, sunscreen if I burn etc. I get my bikini out and get undressed and put it on. Richard walks back into our room a few minutes later. "Hey, baby. How you doing?" he said. "Fine" I reply. I stand by the mirror and notice that I'm starting to show quite significantly. "Baby, you got a little baby bump there" Richard said standing by me. "Yes I have. I just noticed" I reply. "It's so cute. That's our baby in there, baby" he smiles. I smile back. Richard and I take a few moments to admire my cute little baby bump before we go to the beach

Erick 🧡

In the past few days I've noticed that I've been starting to show a bit in my pregnancy. I've been getting a really baby bump and it's really cute. Erick is always admiring his beautiful I look. Awww he's so cute. We are laid on his bed at his place right now. Erick has his arms around me and is holding me close to him. I love the way he holds me. He makes me know that I'm his. "Babe, you look so beautiful like always but just a little extra right now as you are carrying my child. I love him or her already" Erick said. "Awwww, E. You're the sweetest. I couldn't ask for a better baby daddy or boyfriend" I reply. "Awww, Y/ N. I will always be your baby daddy forever and ever. It's our kid" he said. "I love you and I'm so glad you're here for me" I reply. "Baby, I'll never leave you because I love you. Now I want to look at that adorable baby bump of yours one more time" Erick said. I smile. He lifts up my top and takes a look at my small baby bump. "Awe so cute, babe. Just like you" he said. I smile and he smiles me. I love the way he always complements me. It really puts a smile on my face and brightens me up every time

Zabdiel 🧡

I am hitting the 12 week mark in my pregnancy soon so I'm about 3 months on. I'm already getting a nice baby bump which I'm proud of. Zabdiel is proud of it too because he loves me and our babies too. Can't wait to welcome our little ones into the world. Boys or girls it doesn't matter. I am in the kitchen making us eggs for breakfast when Zabdiel walks in and puts his arms around me. "Hey, my beautiful girlfriend" he said kissing my neck. "Hi, my handsome boyfriend" I say. "How are you?" he asks. "I'm great" I smile. "You always look so beautiful, mi amor" he said. "Thank you even when I'm pregnant with twins" I say. "Of course you do. You always look beautiful but even more beautiful that you are carrying my twins" Zabdiel said. "Zabdi. You're the best and I'm so grateful for you" I reply. Soon we sit down and eat our delicious eggs for breakfast. "Thanks. They are really good" I said. "No problem. My pleasure" I reply. "I still can't believe we are having twins. I can't wait" Zabdiel says. "I know me neither. It's really amazing" I reply. "It certainly is. I'm so proud of your baby bump and how cute it looks. Y/ N, you are the most beautiful pregnant lady I've seen" he said. "Awww, Zabdi. Baby, you're making me blush. I love you" I reply. So we enjoy our breakfast and have sometime together before doing what we've gotta do. Breakfast was really nice this morning and Zabdiel always complements me

Christopher 💚

I'm getting ready for the day as Christopher and I are going out for a family meal with my family this evening. We are looking forward to seeing my family and going out with them. I am struggling what to wear as I'm starting to show a bit. A few of my dresses and smart clothes cling on my tummy a bit too much. I need to get some maternity clothes. "Chris, can you come here?" I say from the closet. "Sure. I'm coming" Chris says. "I don't know what to wear" I say. "Okay I sill help you. Let's see what you got" he replies. "Everything doesn't really fit me anymore so I really don't know what to wear" I say. "You'll find something. Don't worry. You have lots of gorgeous things" Chris said. Christopher helps me go through my closet to see what I have. "What about this?" I say holding up one of my dresses. "It's beautiful just like you" he replies. I smile. I put on the dress and look at myself in the mirror. "You don't think it clings too much round there" I say. "Nope I think it's fine and you look amazing on it and you can show off your nice little baby bump too" Christopher said. "Awww. Thank you. I love you" i say. He puts his arms around me and kissing me. Shortly we go out to keep my family for dinner and have a really nice time. They were admiring my baby bump just as much as we were

A/ N: that was a cute part. Btw you don't think it's weird that I've made Joel and Y/ N married. I think it's kinda a cute touch tbh

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