40. Date Night

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Joel 💙

Me and Joel and are having a date night tonight. We are going for an ice cream at the beach and probably to the beach after that. It will be the first time we are going to be away from Oliver but we will only be gone a couple of hours but it will feel longer than that when we're away from our beautiful boy. Patrica is babysitting Oliver tonight of course. Me and Joel are getting ready to leave soon. We are all ready and dressed casually for our date. Can't wait. I have my full makeup done for the first time since I had Oliver. "You look so beautiful, mi amor" Joel said. "Thank you, honey. You look so handsome" I say. We go downstairs. "We're heading off, mom" Joel said. "Okay, honey have fun. You deserve it. Me and Ollie will be having some special time here" Patrica said. "I'll call when we're on our way home" he said. "Bye, our beautiful boy. Have fun with grandma" I say. So we walk out and get in the car and drive to the ice cream place by the beach. Soon we arrive and park out and get out of the car. "Let's go and get some delicious ice cream" Joel said. "Yep absolutely" I reply. So we join the line and decide what we want. I go with strawberries and cream and Joel goes with cookies and cream. We get the ice creams and find a bench to sit on. "These are such good ice creams, babe. I love it" he said. "Yep I definitely have to agree with you" I reply. So we eat our ice creams and then take a walk along the beach. "It's really nice to spend sometime together, Y/ N. I've missed me and you time but I wouldn't change it now as we have an adorable little son" Joel said. "Yeah me too. It's definitely amazing to be spending time with you tonight, Joely" I reply. "Me to, my beautiful wife" he smiles pulling me in for a kiss. So Joel and I stroll along the beach for a while loving our date night together. We had a great time but we missed being away from Ollie

Richard ❤️

Me and Richard are going out tonight just the two of us. We are going out ice skating. Why not? It's winter and something different for us to do just the two of us. His parents are taking Ricardo for the night and Aaliyah is with her mom so we can have sometime together. Can't wait. I haven't been ice skating since I was a kid. We didn't want to go out for an expensive meal so we thought ice skating would just be ideal. We are on our way to the ice skating place now. Richard's parents are over at our place with Ricardo now. "I'm looking forward to this, babe. It will be exciting" he said. "Yep me too. It will be" I reply. Soon we arrive and find somewhere to park in the parking lot near and join the line at the ice skating rink. When we get close to pay and get the skates in our size. We then put them on and take to the ice together. "Ahhhh I haven't done this in years" I laugh. Richard laughs too. I hold onto his hand tight as we skate around the rink together. "You're doing well, baby" he said. "Not that well" I reply. It wasn't too busy and crowded so we both couldn't skate around together. It was fun. I almost fell over but Richard managed to catch me. He laughed though. "It wasn't that funny" I say. "It was" he said. So we had so much fun ice skating this evening. It felt like we were dating again. Yes we had so much fun. After about an hour or so we go to a bar for a drink and something to eat. I had alcohol for the first time in months which was great. Richard and I had a lot of fun on our date night tonight. We can't wait to do it again maybe in another few weeks when his parents offer to babysit again

Erick 💜

Erick and I are going out tonight to a karaoke bar. We decided we needed sometime together as we haven't really had anytime together since baby Sofia was born. We thought it would be fun to go out to a karaoke bar and have some fun. We found one that you don't have to be 21 to go to. We are going to eat and have fun singing lots of cheesy karaoke songs. We are leaving in the next few minutes. My parents are home and looking after Sofia for the night. We go downstairs. "We're off" I say. "Bye. Have fun" my mom said. "Everything should be handy" I say. "That's fine. You two have a great time" dad said. Me and Erick leave, leaving my parents with Sofia. We jump in the Uber waiting outside as neither of us felt like driving tonight. "Let's go, baby and have some fun. Parents still deserve to have fun" Erick said. "Yes absolutely and we sure do" I reply. When we arrive at the karaoke bar we get a drink from the bar but non alcoholic of course. We sit and order some food too. Burger and fries each. Just the kind of food we like. "It's so nice to have sometime together just the two of you, Y/ N" Erick said. "It is. I feel like we've missed this kind of time together since I got pregnant and had Sofia" I say. "I know, baby but we are having sometime together now" Erick smiles. So we eat our food and then join in on the karaoke. First one sing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Erick was singing deep into my eyes. I love it when he sings to me. Awww and he sings to Sofia too. So sweet and cute. We sang a few songs on karaoke and had so much fun on our date night. It was lovely to have sometime together just the two of us but we missed our little princess back at home

Zabdiel 🧡

Zabdiel and I have the night to ourselves tonight. The twins are staying at my parents for the night to give us a night off and sometime together. They kindly offered to take them for the night which is amazing. Our girls mean the world to us but it's not just to have a bit of me and Zabdiel time. We are ordering a takeaway and kicking back and relaxing. No cooking whatsoever. Yay! The girls have been with my parents for about an hour or so. We've just ordering a takeaway from the Chinese now and it's on it's way to our place. We are not going out and collecting it. "Mi amor, I can't wait to have a delicious takeaway with you and chill. I'm so looking forward to it" Zabdiel said. "Me too, baby" I reply. "Oh it feels weird without our girls" he said. "It certainly does" I smile. A few minutes later the doorbell rings and Zabdiel answers it and pays the man. "Here we are. Smells so good, honey" he said. "Hmmm it does. Let's tuck in" I reply. Zabdiel grabs plates and cutlery and we plate up and sit on the couch and tuck in. Soon we clear all the food between us and it was so good. "Wow! Amazing I haven't eaten like that since I got pregnant" I say. "I know, baby. It's good to see you pigging out" Zabdiel said. So we sit back and relax and enjoy our time together. "Let's watch a movie" he suggests. "Sure thing" I reply. So we sit back, relax and enjoy a good romantic movie. We had an amazing time together on our night just the two of us. It was great and we had a night of sleep too. We missed our girls so much though

Christopher 💚

Me and Christopher are out at the mall this evening facing a nice leisurely shopping time and a meal. My sister is at home looking after Lydia for us. We've been out for a couple of hours so far and we are about to head to the food court for something to eat. We said we want to go to a proper restaurant not just a takeaway place. We head up to the food court together. "So what do you fancy to eat?" Chris asks. "Hmmm I don't really know. What do you fancy?" I reply. "I don't know. Just some nice food I guess" he replies. So we spend a few looking at places to eat and find a nice Mexican place so we eat there. We get a table and pick up the menus and have a look to see what they have. "I love date nights. Reminds me of when we first got together" Christopher said. "Yep me too. It's amazing but I miss our beautiful little girl at home" I say. "Yeah me too, honey but we'll be home to her sweet little place soon" Chris smiles. Soon we order what we want and wait for our food to come. I check in with my sister and everything is just fine with Lydia. The food came and it was so good. We enjoyed every bit of it. We talked about a lot over dinner age then carried on doing some more shopping which including buying some stuff for Lydia too. We came back with quite a lot of stuff. We had a great time at the mall and date night at the restaurant too. Date night was amazing

A/ N: I made this one a little different date wise to the other ones. Another one tonight probably

Which date night did you like the best?

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