3. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Joel 💙

Me and Joel have been having sex more lately as we are trying for a baby. We are pretty set on doing it. Well having a baby. A baby would be amazing to have. I know Joel will be a great dad though even if we have a baby now or in the future. I am out at the mall doing some shopping on my own. It's my day off but Joel is in the studio. I'm seeing him tonight when he comes over. I go and get something to eat at the mall after shopping for about an hour or so. As I leave the food court I start to feel a little sick. I probably rushed my food but then I just remembered that I'm nearly a week late on my period so I could be pregnant. I decide to leave the mall and go to a pharmacy nearby to buy a pregnancy test. I pick one up and pay for it. I take the test in the public bathroom as I didn't want to wait any longer. I read instructions on how to take the test and sit on the toilet and take it. I wait a few minutes and it comes back with a positive result. I sort of have mixed emotions at first but mostly happy of course. Me and Joel are having a baby. What if we've rushed into this too young, too soon?

Richard ❤️

I am nearly two weeks late starting my period so something tells me I could be pregnant. Richard and I have been trying a lot lately to get pregnant like we've been having sex mostly everyday so hopefully it's paid off and I'm pregnant. We really want a baby together. It will fill us with a lot of joy. Yesterday I bought a couple of pregnancy tests from the pharmacy but I haven't taken the test yet. I will soon but I want to surprise Richard if I am pregnant so I don't want him to be around when I take it. Richard is at the studio now and I'm home waiting for him to arrive home. He probably won't be home for about an hour or so. I go to the bathroom for a pee and debate if I should take the test or not. I just decide to bite the bullet and take it. I have two test as they are not always accurate. It's happened in the past where it's given a positive result but I've turned out not to be pregnant. Anyway I pee on the stick and wait for the results to show. I nervously wait. The first test looks like it's faulty so I take the second one. I do the same and wait. This one comes back with a positive result. It really is positive. Yay! I'm pregnant and Richard will be so happy, I can't wait to tell him soon

Erick 💜

Erick and I still want to have a baby together but we are still not sure if it's the right time. We have talked about it though and we are trying a lot so you never know I might be pregnant soon. If I was to get pregnant, we don't want people to think we are too young or that we've rushed into it too soon in our relationship. We know our families will be supportive no matter what. I've been feeling sick for the last couple of days. Could be pregnancy symptoms or it could be just a bug I've picked up. I don't know yet. I'm hanging out with my best friend today as Erick is busy working. We are hanging out at my place talking about her guy troubles. Fortunately I don't have any. As we are talking I start to feel a little queasy so I go to the bathroom. I kneel down by the toilet and throw up a bit. My best friend rushes in to make sure I'm okay. "Are you okay, Y/ N?" she asks. "Yeah I think I'll be fine" I reply. "Hope you don't mind me asking but could you be pregnant" she asks. "I don't know maybe but I don't really want to take a test" I reply. By the end of the day my best friend persuades to take a pregnancy test and I do. It comes back positive. I'm pregnant. I hope Erick will be happy when I tell him

Zabdiel 🧡

Zabdiel and I have been trying for a baby for a while now so far nothing has happened but we are giving it time as pregnancy doesn't happen like that. I know how much we both want children and hopefully it will happen soon. Today I'm hangout with my mom. She's over at our place keeping me company as Zabdiel is at the studio today. "So mom do you know that Zabdiel and I are trying for a baby?" I say. "Yeah I do. Well you haven't told me recently but I kinda guessed you two were" my mom replies. "Yes we are but we've had no results so far" I reply. "Well don't give up. It took me a couple of years to get pregnant with you" she said. So me and my mom carry on talking and hanging out. I start to feel sick and a little dizzy later on. "Mom, I don't feel so good" I say. "It's okay, sweetie. Just stay calm" I say. I start to feel worse soon so my mom takes me to the hospital and they take a few tests. A pregnancy test as she mentioned that we are trying for a baby. "Miss Y/ L/ N. The tests have come back and I can confirm you are 5 weeks pregnant. That explains why you were feeling sick and dizzy. Congratulations" the doctor said. "Yay! That's amazing I'm so happy" mom exclaims. "Ahhhhh yay! That's amazing" I smile. My mom hugs me. So I'm pregnant and I couldn't be happier. Can't wait to tell Zabdiel soon

Christopher 💚

Christopher and I have been trying for a baby for several months now. We can't wait till the day I finally become pregnant and have a baby. It's something we've always talked about all the way through our relationship. We've been married for over a year now so it's the perfect time to have a baby. It's the middle of the night and I'm sleeping right now. I can't really sleep as I'm feeling a bit sick. I quietly get out of bed trying not to disturb Chris. He usually doesn't wake up during the night. I go to our en suite bathroom and use the toilet. All of a sudden I feel the urge to be sick so I cup my mouth and go over to the sink. I remember that I have some pregnancy tests in the cupboard under the sink. I grab one and decide to take it. I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick and wait for the results to come through. I hope Christopher doesn't wake up. Anyway a few minutes later it comes back with a positive result. I try not to scream but I'm so happy. I have a huge smile on my face. I'm pregnant and I can't believe it. Me and Chris are going to be parents

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