9. First Scan

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Joel 💙

This morning Joel and I are heading to the hospital for our first baby scan. We really can't believe we see our baby for the first time. We hope everything goes well and that we are having a healthy baby. Joel and I are on our way now to the hospital. I am driving and I'm dropping him off at the studio after. "Can't wait to see our little munchkin for the first time" he said. "I know. Me too. It's so so exciting" I reply. "This baby is going to be the best thing that's ever happened to us" he said. When we arrive at the hospital we check in and wait for me to be called in. People were giving us looks because of how young we are. We don't care just as long as we got each other. Joel wouldn't stop squeezing my hand in excitement. We get called into one of the rooms by a midwife. I lay down on the bed and she puts on that jelly stuff. Feels funny. "So how are both of you?" she asks. "We're good" I reply. "Yep" Joel said. "How old are you high if you don't mind me asking?" the lady asks. "We are both 20. Joel will be 21 soon" I reply. "Well you both don't look it" she said. We giggle. She carries on looking. "Your baby has a strong heartbeat. It's a healthy one" she said. "Ahhhh that's great. Just what we wanted to hear. Y/ N was worried" Joel said. "Awe that's great. Exactly what we wanted to hear" I say. We leave the hospital feeling so happy that we just had our first scan and everything is just fine with our baby

Richard ❤️

Richard and I are going for our first baby scan today. Aaliyah wanted to come with us but she's with her mom today. We told her we'll tell her all about it. We can't wait to have our first scan and see our baby for the first time. Really exciting. Richard and I are getting ready to leave now. "Are you good to go yet, babe?" he asks. "Yeah I am so let's go" I reply. Richard takes my hand and we walk out to the car together and get in and drive to the hospital. Can't wait. We check in at the desk and take a seat in the waiting area. We sit by each other and keep an eye on the screen so we don't miss our slot. "I regret all the scans I missed when Yocelyn was pregnant with Aaliyah but I ain't missing any with this kid" he said. "Yep I know you won't" I reply. "I love you, Y/ N" Richard said giving me a kiss. "I love you too, Richard" I reply. Soon we get called in by a sonographer. I lay on the bed and she starts examining me. "So how long have you two been together?" the lady asks. "Ummm about two years or so. We are engaged" Richard said. "Awww how nice. So is this your first baby?" she asks. "Yes well no. Richard already has a 3 year old daughter" I reply. "I do but this is our first child together" he replies. He kisses my. "Everything looks great so you have a healthy baby. I can also tell you that you're due date seems to be near Christmas. A Christmas baby" the lady said. "Ah that's great" Richard said. "It is. A little Christmas baby" I say. So our first scan went really good. We are having a Christmas baby and he or she is healthy

Erick 💜

Me and Erick are at the hospital wait for my first scan. Things are a little busy at the hospital right now so we are being patient and waiting to be called in. We hope our first scan will go well when I'm called in. "Babe, I'm looking forward to see our baby for the first time" Erick said as he squeezes my hand. "Yep me too. Hope we'll be called in soon. I don't like waiting" I reply. "I know you don't but hopefully not long now" he replies. Not long after we get called in. We are both a little nervous tbh. "Relax, beautiful" Erick whispers. "I will" I reply. The woman who's doing my scan didn't really seem that nice. Erick holds my hand as she is examining me. "So how are things?" I ask. "They seem to be good. Just hang on" she replies. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "No I'm just making sure everything is okay for you" she said. "Okay thanks" Erick said. Shortly after we find out that things are fine with the baby after a little panic. We also got little printouts of the first scan to keep. "That was good. At first I wasn't quite sure how a baby scan works" Erick said as we were leaving. "Well you do know" I smile. So yeah our first scan went well

Zabdiel 🧡

Me and Zabdiel are at the hospital having my first scan. I have just been called into the room. We've been seen early. Ahead of time which is good. We are really excited for the first scan. Zabdiel is going to be late going into the studio this afternoon after having the scan. The boys don't know about our pregnancy yet. We are going to tell them soon though. Can't wait to. Anyway I'm laid on the bed and the midwife is examining me right now. Zabdiel is sat beside me. We notice that the heartbeat sounds really loud. Almost like there's two. Haha. "The heartbeat sounds so strong and loud" Zabdiel said. "Yeah that's because there is two babies in there. You are amazing twins. Congratulations" the midwife said. "Twins.  Wow! Really" Zabdiel said. "I wasn't expecting you to say that but wow twins is amazing" I say. "We had no idea it was going to be twins. We can say babies now" he said. So the scan finishes up and we left the hospital feeling good. It was a little bit of a shock to find out that we are having twins but I guess we kinda had to be prepared. "Twins eh. That's kinda crazy" Zabdiel said. "I know but a good crazy of course" I reply. "Of course. We are going to have two little babies to love instead of one" he said. "We are and that's going to be amazing" I say. He stops and kisses me. Zabdiel goes to the studio and I go to work after that. We are having twins eeekkkk

Christopher 💚

Christopher and I have just been to the hospital for my first baby scan. Things went really well and we are pleased to know that we have a healthy and happy baby together. Can't wait to be parents. I didn't know weather Chris would be able to make the scan as he has a busy week but he went with me. He didn't want to miss his baby's first scan at all. My scan had just finished so we are heading off now. "So everything is great with our little one and that's great to know" Chris said. "Yes it is. It's amazing to know. Everything is perfect just like our baby" I reply. "Yes absolutely it is" Christopher replies. We get in the car and drive off. "How about we stop for a hot drink?" Christopher asks. "Sure if you want. If you don't have to be anywhere" I reply. "Only with you. We have a reason to celebrate" he said. So we go to our favourite coffee place and go in and get our favourite orders. Having coffee is always a good way to celebrate anything. "Here's to our baby who is healthy and happy" Christopher said holding up his coffee. Yes definitely it's so amazing" I reply. So we had a quick coffee break and then get on our way to what we gotta do. Our first scan went great today. We couldn't be happier it did

A/ N: so that's the first scan. Second day in a row I've updated twice. Won't be like that all the time. I've just had a couple of quieter days. Made Chris's a little different to the others btw

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