16. Gender Reveal Party

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Joel 💙

Today me and Joel are having a gender reveal party for our friends and family. Only Patrica, Joe is mom knows that our baby is a born. It's kinda like a wedding celebration too as a lot of people weren't there when we got married so we are celebrating that as well. We are going to reveal the gender by dropping a white bath bomb into a basin of water and it will turn the water blue so that will mean we are having a boy. We thought it would be a cool and unique way of revealing our baby's gender. Everyone is gathered at Joel's family home now. Well my home now as we are married. We are waiting for the right time to reveal to everyone. Can't wait to. Joel sticks close by me till we find the right time to reveal to everyone. Soon we found the right time and gather everyone in the backyard. "Okay so now is the moment you have been waiting for. You all are about to find out the gender of our baby. The only ones who know are us and my mom" Joel said. "So is it going to be a boy or a girl?" I say. About a quarter of people raise their hand for a girl and the rest for a boy. The majority of them are right. "So we have this bath bomb here and we are going to drop it into a the basin" Joel said. "Are you ready?" I say. We hold the bath bomb above the water together. "3-2-1. We are having.... a boy" we are together. Everyone cheers when the water turns blue. They all clap and congratulate us that the gender of our baby. The party went great today

Richard ❤️

This afternoon me and Richard are having a little gender reveal thing in the park for our baby boy. We are going to reveal the gender of our baby to our friends and family with Aaliyah's help. We have a box filled with blue balloons which we are going to let out. We can't wait to for it. I think everyone is probably expecting us to have a boy but we are still revealing it anyway. We are all hanging out in the park with our friends and family for the reveal. They know we are going to reveal the gender in some way but they don't know how. Aaliyah is very excited to let everyone know that she is having a baby brother. Richard and I bought some drinks and a few nibble things for the get together in the park. "So what's this reveal thing?" Richard's mom asks. "We are about to do it soon, mom" he said. "Abuela, I'm going to do it" Aaliyah said. Soon Richard goes to the car and gets the box of balloons. When we open it blue balloons are going to come out. "So this is it. We are going to reveal the gender of our baby right now in front of your very eyes" Richard said. "Yes we are. Well Aaliyah is going to do it" I say. Aaliyah comes over. "Are you ready, sweetie?" he said to her. She nods her head. Aaliyah opens the box and a second later, blue balloons fly out of the box. "We are having a baby boy. Yay!" he said. "We are and me and Rich couldn't be happier" I say. Everybody cheers for us as we watch the balloons fly into the sky. The gender reveal party went great in the park today

Erick ❤️

Erick and I have our families over to his place and we are going to do a little gender reveal thing. We are looking to doing it as no one knows the gender of our baby yet apart from us two. Just our parents and siblings are there. I have got some cupcakes made with pink icing in the middle so when they bite into it they will know we are having a baby girl. We decided to have a low-key thing that doesn't cost a lot as we still wanted to reveal the gender in a special way. I don't think our family know we are doing that today but we are about to do it soon so they'll know. Erick and I are finding the right time to bring in the cupcakes. We hope they will be excited. "Should we do it now? I really want to" he whispers to me. "Yeah we can do if you want" I reply. So we go into the kitchen and put the cupcakes on a tray and bring them in. "We have cupcakes but they're not just any cupcakes. When you bite into them. Well you'll wait and see" Erick said. We pass them around. We made sure there was one for everyone. "Wait don't bite into them yet. We are gonna do a countdown" I say. "Okay so 3-2-1. Bite" Erick said. Everyone bites into their cupcake and sees the pink icing. "Is this a gender reveal thing?" Erick's mom asks. "Yes and we are having a baby girl" Erick said. "Yay! That's amazing. I knew it would be a girl" my mom said. "Thank you, mom. We thought we'd surprise you all with it" I reply. "That's amazing. I can't wait to have a granddaughter" Erick's dad said. So everyone enjoyed their cupcakes and what we did today. Everyone is happy to meet our baby girl when she's born

Zabdiel 🧡

Zabdiel and I are doing a little gender reveal thing for our friends and family today. Everyone is really eager to find out the genders of our twins. I think they assume that we are having a boy and a girl but no it's two girls. We can't wait to reveal to them. We have bought there powder smoke cannons that are filled with pink powder. We are both going to fire one and they will obviously be pink. Yay! We can't wait to do it. Our guests know that we are going a gender reveal today. Everyone is eager to find out. We will reveal it soon. Can't wait to. Everyone is helping themselves to food and drink as they enjoy themselves. We don't really want to ruin the fun but we want to do our reveal soon. Zabdiel and I agree to do the reveal when we were ready. "So this is the moment you have all been waiting for. We are about to reveal the genders of our twins" he said. "Yes we are and it's very exciting as we've got these cannons that we are going to launch" I say. "Think you all assume it's going to get pink and blue but you are about to wait and see" Zabdiel said. We grab a smoke cannon each. "Are you ready?" Zabdiel said. Everyone cheers. We countdown to 10 before we release the smoke. "We are having twin girls. Yay!" We both says. Everybody smiles. "We are so happy to be having two beautiful little girls" I say. "We are. I am the luckiest man on the planet to have three beautiful girls in my life" Zabdiel smiles. We finish off the party with some sweet treats i made myself it went great and we ended up getting covered in a little powder as well

Christopher 💚


Me and Y/ N are not finding out the gender of our baby. We want it to be a secret till the little one is born and we can't for that. Both me and Y/ N love surprises and this will be the biggest and most amazing surprise of our lives waiting to see if our baby is a boy or a girl. All our friends and family keep on asking if we know what the gender is and we said that we are not finding out and we want it to stay that way. We are over at my parents house today with both of our parents catching up with them and spending sometime with them while I am in New Jersey. "I think it's going to be a girl" Y/ N's Mom said. "Well I think it's a boy" my mom said. Our moms keep on disagreeing over the baby's gender. "I think it's definitely a boy" my dad said. "We'll wait and see and it doesn't matter to us if we have a boy or a girl anyway. Me and Y/ N would love to be blessed with either" I say. "Yep that's right" Y/ N replies. "Yeah I agree it doesn't really matter what the baby is at the end of the day. They are still going to be our grandchild" Y/ N's dad said. So we had a great time with our parents today. It was interesting seeing them guess what our babies gender is but like Y/ N's dad said, at the gender of the day it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl

A/ N: think that was a nice part. I did different gender reveal ideas this time. Ones I haven't done before. Chris's is different of course as the gender is a secret. Any guesses?

What was your favourite gender reveal party?

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