34. He Changes A Diaper

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Joel 💙

Oliver is a week old now and things have been going great so far. He's such a sweet little boy and me and Joel are so lucky to have been blessed with an adorable little son. Oliver is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to us. Joel has been up for anything so far since he became a dad. He doesn't mind changing diapers. We share it between us and do it alternately so it makes it easy. We have just woken up for the day. "Morning" Joel yawns. "Morning, babe" I yawn. He shuffles closer to me and puts his arms around me. "How did you sleep?" he asks. "Okay. You?" I reply. He kisses me. As we were kissing and cuddling in bed, Oliver wakes up. I only fed him a couple of hours ago so he's probably due a change. "I'll go and change him, babe. You stay there" he said. "Okay, Joely" I reply. Joel gets out of bed and picks Oliver out of his crib and wake him into his room next door and changes him. He comes back a few minutes later with a fresh and clean Oliver. "There we go. He's all clean now and not smelly" Joel said. "He was never smelly in the first place" I reply. "I know but he's all clean now" I reply. He hands Oliver to me and I kiss him. "Hey, my precious boy" I say. We snuggle in bed a bit longer before getting up and joining Joel's family for some breakfast downstairs

Richard ❤️


Since Ricardo came home about a week ago, I've been changing lots of his diapers and helping Y/ N with him. I wouldn't do nothing as I love Y/ N and Ricardo. Our little man is finally here and doing just great. He's adorable AF and he's just a mini me. Y/ N is taking a shower before she goes to bed and I'm sat on our bed. Ricardo is asleep in his crib next to our bed. He's been sleeping for a while now but he'll probably wake up soon. I am sat on our bed on my phone texting the boys on our group chat while Y/ N is in the shower. They can't wait to meet Ricardo soon. A few minutes later, Ricardo wakes up and starts crying. I put my phone down and go over to his crib and picks him up. "Hey, little guy. What's wrong?" I say. I realise that he needs a diaper change so I take him over to the changing unit which is in our room now and lay him down and change him. As I was changing Ricardo, Y/ N walks in with a towel around her body and her hair in a turban. "Hey" she said. "Hey, babe. Little man needed a diaper change so I just changed him" I reply. "Good. I love his hands on you are" she said. "Yeah" I laugh. She puts her arms around me and kisses my neck. I give Ricardo a bottle while Y/ N is finishing getting ready before I put him back to sleep

Erick 💜

Erick has been surprisingly good at changing Sofia's diapers since we brought her home. I thought he wouldn't change a single one but he has been doing and he hasn't been squeamish or anything. I'm proud of him that he's up for changing diapers and got the hang of it as it makes my life easier too. Me and Erick are waiting for my parents to come home from work. They'll both be back soon and my mom will be making dinner. We like to help when he can but they told us to rest while we can. It's hard with a new baby especially when you're young. We are sat on the couch with Sofia now. Erick is holding her and giving her cuddles. "Who's my best girl? Daddy loves you so much, Sofia?" Erick said. "You do. She's so lucky to have a daddy like you" I reply. "And she's so lucky to have a mommy like you" he says. "Oh, babe" I say. As Erick was holding Sofia, she lets out a little fart. We both giggle. "Ohhh I think someone needs a diaper change. Daddy will do it" he said in his baby voice. It makes me laugh when he uses his baby voice. He takes Sofia upstairs and changes her diaper. I follow them. "How can someone so beautiful make a smell like that?" Erick said. I laugh. He changed Sofia's diaper and I watch. He doesn't need my help or guidance. He can do it all by himself. I'm a proud girlfriend. Erick takes off Sofia's diaper, wipes her and puts her a new one on. "There we go. All done" he said kissing Sofia's cheeks. We head back downstairs and wait for my parents to arrive home

Zabdiel 🧡


The twins are just over a week old now and they are doing great. Me and Y/ N are loving being parents to them. They are the sweetest little girls in the world and we are so blessed to have them. Gabriella and Isabella are the best things that have happened to us and it was the best decision we have made to have them. I love spending time with the girls, getting them ready and also changing their diapers too. Sounds weird but I do. Y/ N is taking a nap as she's tired from being a new mom to twins so I'm watching the girls for a couple of hours while she rests. I love having time with my girls and they love having time with their daddy. I have to keep my eyes on both of them. They are both laying in their Moses basket now. They are not asleep. They're just laying there minding their own business. Y/ N can sleep for as long as she wants. I've got everything under control with the girls. As I'm watching the girls I realise that Isabella needs a diaper change. I pick her up and take her into the nursery and quickly change her diaper before Gabriella notices that she's gone. Not that she probably will. I talk to Isabella and make funny faces at her as I change her. Soon she was done and I take her back into the lounge with her sister. I sit down and chill till Gabriella needs a change. Y/ N sleeps for a while longer as she needed to. She was really grateful for me watching the twins

Christopher 💚


Y/ N is taking a work call right now so I'm watching Lydia right now. She only gave birth just over a week ago but she's taking a work call and checking in to work. She'll be done soon I think. I haven't really had much alone time with Lydia but I am doing now while Y/ N is taking a call. Lydia is laid in bed lounger next to me on the couch. I'm looking on my phone as she's laying there but I keep on checking on her of course. "Hey. How are you doing there, my beautiful baby girl? Don't worry daddy hasn't forgotten about you" I say. Lydia just continues to lay there. I put down my phone and pick her up and cuddle her. "Mamma will be done soon" I say. I kiss Lydia on the cheek and make funny faces we her. Haha. I just remembered it's a couple of hours since she was last changed. Y/ N did it just before she took her call. I take Lydia upstairs and change her in her nursery. I lay her down on the changing table and undress her before taking off her dirty diaper and wiping her. "Ohhhh it's a stinky one, my princess" I say as I wipe her. I wipe her and leave her for a couple of minutes to air dry. Y/ N walks in. "My call is all done" she said. "Great. How did it go?" I ask. "Good but I'm glad it's over now" she replies. "Yeah you will be" I reply. "How's our angel doing?" Y/ N asks. "She's doing just fine. She did a stinky so I just changed her" I reply. "She'll be all nice and clean now" she replies. Y/ N picks up Lydia and we take her back downstairs for some more family time

A/ N: I know this part is kinda weird but hope y'all enjoyed it

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