42. He Babysits While You're Out

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Joel 💙


I am looking after Oliver tonight as Y/ N us going out with some old college friends. She wanted to go and I offered to babysit Ollie tonight. We are having a father and son night together just the two of us. Can't wait to have some boy time with Oliver. We will miss Y/ N while she's out though. I'm sat on the couch feeding Oliver while Y/ N us finishing getting ready. I've told my mom that I'll be fine looking after him on my own. Y/ N leaves shortly after. "I'm off, boys. I'll see you soon" she said. "Okay, babe. Have fun. Me and Ollie will just be fine here" I say. "Good. He good for daddy, Ol" Y/ N said. "Oh he will. Don't worry" I smile. She kisses me before she leaves. "Just me and you, son. Just me and you" I say. Oliver looks at me with his big brown eyes. I love when he looks at me like that. "So what do you wanna do, Ollie? Eh just chill with daddy" I say. I laugh to myself. Not much we can only do. Only spend time together. I sit on the couch holding Oliver for a while till he needs changing. I change him when make myself something to eat while he's chilling in his bouncy chair. Sometimes I wish I was him just chilling in his bouncy chair. Y/ N wasn't much longer than two hours out and she had a good time so did me and Oliver. It was great to have a boys night with him. We will quite happily do that in the future whenever she wants to go out again

Richard ❤️

I am going out tonight and Richard is going to be at home with Ricardo. I haven't been out with my friends in a while so they invited me for a night out and I'm going. Richard offered to look after Ricardo while I'm out. I know he's more than capable. I'm getting ready to go out now and meeting my friends soon. I'm looking forward to having a little time to myself tonight. I have so my hair and makeup for the first time in weeks since I had Ricardo. It feels so good to be glammed up again. When I'm ready I head into the lounge where Richard is sat on the couch cradling Ricardo. "I'm going now. You two have fun" I say. "You too, baby. Me and the boy will just be fine here" Richard said. "Great. I'll call when I'm on my way home" I say. I kiss them both before I leave. I get in the car and drive to where I'm meeting my friends. I checked in on them about an hour later and everything was just fine. Think I was worrying too much. After a couple of hours with my friends I arrive back home. Richard has fallen asleep on the couch. He must've put Ricardo to bed. I startle him when I walk in. "Hey, honey. I didn't hear you come in" he said. "Hey. I see you're sleepy" I say. "Yep I am but everything's fine. He's sound asleep" Richard replies. "I see you were too" I reply. "Haha yeah. Did you have fun?" he replies. "Yes I did" I reply. He gives me a kiss. I had a really nice time out and the boys were just fine

Erick 💜


Y/ N is out with some friends tonight and I'm looking after Sofia on my own. She wanted to go out and have a girls night with her friends so I let her and I'm looking after Sofia. I love spending time with my little girl. She means the world to me. She's the greatest blessing ever. Y/ N has been gone for over an hour. She will probably be back in the next two hours. Me and Sofia are just fine here. I am sat on the couch cuddling her. She's such a good little girl and just lays in daddy's arms looking oh so cute. Love her so much. "Hermosa, are you enjoying having sometime with papa" I say to Sofia. She just lays in my arms like she does. "Don't worry mama will be home soon" I say kissing her on her forehead. Sofia falls asleep in my arms and I lay her down in her Moses basket next to me. About an hour or so later, the front door opens and Y/ N walks in. "Hey, sexy" I say. "Hey, handsome. How are you?" she said. "Fine" I reply. "How's our little princess?" she said. "She's great. Just sleeping there" I reply. "I'll get her ready for bed when I go up" Y/ N said. "I'll help you" I say. "Thanks" she said. "We missed you so much" I say. "I missed you both too" she said kissing me. We both go upstairs and get Sofia ready for bed and then we have sometime together

Zabdiel 🧡

I am out with my family today and Zabdiel is at home looking after the girls. We decided not to take them with us today and he wanted to stay home. Zabdiel is great with Gabriella and Isabella. I will be coming home soon to my favourite people in the world. My family understand that Zabdiel and my girls are at home. He's doing just fine with them but I want to see them soon. After spending about four hours or so with my family I head home to Zabdiel and the girls. I call him when I'm on my way home to them. I don't think I would want to be away from that long again. About half an hour I arrive home to our apartment. I park up and walk in. "Hey, loves. I'm home" I say. "Hey, baby" Zabdiel said. He is holding Isabella. Gabriella is in her bouncy chair. "How are you all?" I say. "We're great. The girls had a great time with papa" he said. "I'm glad they did" I smile. "Did you have a great time?" he said. "Yes we did" I reply. "Well that's great. The girls are getting a bit sleep now. Bella's just eaten" Zabdiel said. "Well let's get them to sleep soon" I reply. He smiles and kisses me on the lips. "You can sit down and I'll do it" he said. "Okay" I say giving him a peck on the cheek. The girls go to sleep shortly after in their Moses baskets and me and Zabdiel could spend sometime together. I had a nice time with my family today but I missed Zabdiel, Gabriella and Isabella a lot. I wouldn't leave them again. Well not for a while

Christopher 💚

I am out having a little bit of time to myself at the mall. Me and Christopher went last week but he wanted me to have a little time to myself so he's offered to stay at hone with Lydia for a few hours. It's nice to shop and not have to worry about mom duties for a few hours. I love Chris and Lydia so much but it's nice just to have a little time to myself. I wouldn't usually do it. I have just had something to eat but I'll be heading hone very soon once I've looked round a few more shops. So I do that then I head home to Chris and Lydia. They will be dying to see me. I jump in the car and get on my way home. When I arrive home, I open the door and walk in. I walk into the lounge to find Chris is asleep on the couch with Lydia snuggled up on his chest. Awwww how cute is that. "Hey" I whisper. Christopher opens his eyes a moment later. "Hey, baby. I didn't hear you come in" he said. "That's okay. Awwww look at you two. How cute?" I say. "Yep we just feel asleep together. Didn't we, Lyds" Chris said. Lydia opens her eyes and yawns. "Did you have fun shopping?" he asks. "Yes I did. It was nice but I'm so happy to be home to you two now" I reply. "We are so happy to have you home too, mi amor. Now come here and give me a kiss" Christopher said. "Of course" I smile. I lean over and kiss Chris on the lips and Lydia too. I had a nice time at the mall this afternoon but I missed Chris and Lydia

A/ N: I think Erick and Chris's parts are the cutest. I really like this part in the book

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