24. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts Me

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Joel 💙

Sometimes I've been feeling tired every now and then. I'm not surprised, I'm carrying a human being inside of me. I am about 32 weeks on. Joel is doing everything for when he can. He's the best husband in the world and he's going to be the best daddy to baby Oliver when he comes into the world. Can't wait to meet our son. It's the middle of the night around 2am and me and Joel are in bed sleeping, I wake up feeling uncomfortable. If I don't sleep, Joel doesn't. I lay on my back and touch my stomach. A few minutes later Joel wakes up and turns to face me. "Are you okay, honey?" he asks. "Just a little uncomfortable, Joely but I'll be okay" I reply. "Awe, baby. Come here" he said shuffling closer to me and putting his arms around me. "Awwww, Joel. You didn't have to wake up" I say. "I sensed that you were awake" Joel says. "Awww, I love you. You're the sweetest" I reply. "Nope you're the sweetest" he smiles. He holds me for a while and cuddles me. Sometimes I can feel Oliver sticking his elbows into my ribs. That's happening right now. "Now listen, Oliver James. Stop making your mommy feel uncomfortable. She's trying to sleep, son" Joel whispers to my bump. "It's okay" I reply. He lays with me till I went back off to sleep. Joel is always there for me when I need him and I'm so lucky to have him

Richard ❤️

My pregnancy is going okay so far. Me and Richard can't wait to meet our baby boy Ricardo soon. He's gonna be just like his daddy. Handsome and sweet. We are in the process of getting things ready for his arrival which will hopefully be soon. Me and Richard are so excited to be parents to our first child. I'm having a nap on the couch as I'm tired. I was helping Richelle with some housework earlier but he told me to rest now so I am doing. I was woken up the sudden noise of the vacuum cleaner going on. It startled me and I said "Rich, can you turn it off please? I'm trying to rest" I say. "Sorry, honey. I forgot. I'll do it later" Richard said. "It's alright. Don't worry" I say. He then sits next to me on the couch and touches my hand. "How are you feeling, babe?" he asks. "Okay just tired" I say yawning and rubbing my eyes. "Anything I can get you?" Richard asks. "No I think I'm okay" I reply. "I feel like a bad person disturbing you when you were tryna sleep" Richard says. "It's fine. I just need you here anyway" I reply. He leans down and kisses me caressing my side. "Dang, you taste so good" he said. "Hmmmm you do too" I giggle. "I can't wait to meet our son" he said. "Me too" I smile. Richard says that everyday you know. Richard stays with me a while before leaving me to rest a little more. I do go back off to sleep I just lay down and rest

Erick 💜

I've been feeling tired quite a lot lately that's because I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy. It's been taking more energy out of me than expected. Erick has been so kind, caring, loving and understanding these last few weeks. He's the best and we can't wait to welcome our daughter Sofia I go the world. I got back from college not so long ago. Erick will be due to get back soon. I usually help my mom prepare dinner but I'm too tired today. Plus I have an assignment for college to finish off later. Erick will be back room. I'm laying in my bed in my room stretching my back out and resting. It feels good to be laying down after a long day. I close my eyes and my bedroom door opens and Erick walks in. "Hey, baby. I'm back" he said. "Hey" I yawn. "How's your day been? Your mom said you were feeling really tired" he said. "Yeah I am. Really tired" I reply. "Awww, baby girl. Don't worry. I'm here now" Erick said getting on the bed next to me and putting his arms around me and cuddling me. "E, this is just what I needed" I say. "Yeah I know. That's why I'm cuddling you like this" he said. "Awe. You're adorable" I say. "No you're adorable and our baby girl is too" he replies. "Yes she sure is" I say. "Baby, you can lay here as long as you want in my arms" Erick said. "Yeah just until dinner is ready" I say. "I know you'll be hungry. You're eating for two" he said. "Ummm yeah kinda" I reply. So Erick lays with me for a while and comforts me before dinner is ready. I felt much better for a rest and his cuddles

Zabdiel 🧡


Y/ N is getting to the later stages in her pregnancy now so she's feeling more tired and having less energy. I'm not surprised she's carrying twins. My twins. I'm doing everything I can to help her. It's only my pleasure to help her when she's doing me the biggest thing in the world by carrying my children. I love to comfort her and cuddle her when she's uncomfortable and feeling down. We are having the most of our time together before Gabriella and Isabella come into the world which could be before their due date. Y/ N is coming home from work soon. She's working up for her maternity leave. I have got out of the studio early and I'm at home making her a meal as she's had a tough few days and pregnancy is taking the toll on her body. She will be coming home soon. I don't usually cook but I am doing today and I hope she'll like it. I'm making chicken Alfredo. Something nice, light and tasty to have. Soon the door opens and Y/ N walks in. "Hey, Zabdi. I'm home" she said. "Hey, mi amor" i say. "Ohhhh you're cooking" she asks. "Yes I am. Especially for you as I know you've been so much recently. I'm treating my queen to a homemade meal for once" I say. "Awwww, Zabdiel. That's so sweet of you, honey. I love you" Y/ N says. "I love you too. Now I want to you pit your feet up and relax till it's done" I say. "Okay I will" she replies. I give Y/ N a kiss and demands she goes and relaxes. Soon the meal was ready so I call her in. "Zabdiel, it smells so good. Just like the way I do it. You'll have to cook for me more often" Y/ N said. "I will as I know you're time will be needed somewhere else" I say. I light a candle and we sit down at the kitchen and eat. Y/ N loved the meal I made for her tonight. After we snuggled on the couch and had some special time together

Christopher 💚

Chris has been doing everything for me lately. Soon I will be giving birth to our first child and we can't wait for that. Chris is the best husband in the world. He comforts me when I'm down and takes everything off my plate on weekends and when I get home from work. Christopher also gives me the best foot and back massages in three world too. He gives me one whenever I'm feeling aching or sore. He's the best husband in the world. Chris has just woken up for the day but I laid in bed for a bit longer as I wasn't ready to wake up yet. My back is aching a bit now. I'm going to get up soon though. Christopher walls in a moment later to check on me. "Hey, babe. How are you feeling? Do you feel like getting up?" he asks. "Yeah I will do in a few minutes" I reply. He sits next to me on the bed. "Do you care for a back massage, darling?" he asks. "Yes I would please. I was just gonna ask you" I reply. I sit up and Chris starts massaging my back. "Ohhhhh that feels good" I say. "I know. I do the best ones. Eh" he said. "Yeah you do" I reply. Christopher carries on massing me till I feels better. "Thank you so much, Chris. That feels amazing" I say. "You're welcome, baby. You know I'd do anything for you" he smiles kissing me. So we go and have breakfast after that. Christopher is always there to massage me

A/ N: just a couple more chapters to go till the babies are here. Yay! And we are halfway through this book too

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