14. Finding Out The Gender

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Joel 💙

Me and Joel are very vey excited today as we are about to find out the gender of our baby and we can't wait to. We both agreed that we wanted to find out the gender of our baby. We wouldn't mind if it's a boy or a girl. I know that Joel really would like a little boy but at the end of the day we really wouldn't mind. We are sat in the waiting room at the hospital waiting to be called in for our appointment. This is my 18 week scan. "I can't wait find out if this little one is a boy or a girl" Joel said touching my bump. "Yep me too. Not long now" I reply. We share a kiss. Soon we get called in for my scan. I lay down on the bed and the lady spreads jelly on my stomach like my previous two scans. Funnily enough of was the lady who did my first scan. She examines me to make sure everything is okay. "Everything looks great with the baby again. Ohhhh would you like to know the gender" she said. "That great and yes please we would. That would be amazing" I reply. "Please" Joel says. "You are having a baby boy congratulations" she said. "Yay! It's a boy. I'm going to have a son. We're going to have a son" Joel said. "We are. Ahhhh I'm so happy" I say. "Congratulations. See you for your next scan in a couple of months" the lady said. Joel and I leave the hospital feeling overjoyed that we are having a baby boy. We both couldn't be any happier. It's amazing


Richard ❤️

Earlier today me and Richard went to the hospital for my next scan. We also found out the gender of our baby too. It's a boy. We are having a boy which we are so happy about. We wanted a boy especially Richard as he's already got a daughter so he wanted a son. We have been on cloud 9 since we found out this morning. We are going to tell Aaliyah that she is going to have a baby brother. We think she will be happy. We can't wait to welcome our son into the world. Tonight we are going to tell Aaliyah about our baby boy. Richard is bringing her over soon to our place from her moms. I'm tidying up and waiting for them to get here. Richard tells me that he's not far off. Soon the door opens and Richard and Aaliyah walk in together. "Hey, Y/ N" she said. "Hey, sweetie" I say. Aaliyah takes off her shoes and jacket and sits down on the couch. "Baby girl, me and Y/ N have something we want to tell you" Richard said to Aaliyah. "Okay what is it" she replies. "We went to the hospital this morning for a checkup to find out if you're having a baby brother or sister" I say. "Do you want to know, sweetie?" Richard said. "Yes please" Aaliyah exclaims. "You are going to have a baby brother" Richard and I say in unison. "Oh really. Awww but I wanted a baby sister" Aaliyah said. "I know, honey but you're going to have a baby brother and he can't wait to meet his big sister" Richard said. "Okay I'm happy, daddy" Aaliyah said hugging us both. So Aaliyah is happy to learn that she's having a baby brother


Erick 💜

Erick and I are going to the hospital to hopefully find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. We can't wait to find out the gender as we both agreed that we wanted to so we can get ready for their arrival. I don't think we would mind but Erick said he'd quite like a little girl. I would too. We are leaving my place now and going to the hospital for my next scan. "So exciting, babe" Erick said. "I know I can't wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl" I reply. "Me too. I'm so excited" I reply. Soon we arrive at the hospital and get checked in and wait in the waiting room to be called in for our appointment. Erick squeezes my hand and smiles at me. "I'm excited" he said. "I know you are" I reply. Not too long after we get called into the room for my scan. "Hey" the sonographer said. "Hi" I say. I sit down and she puts the jelly on me and starts examining me. "We would like to know the gender of you can tell please" Erick said. "Sure I'll tell you in a minute" the sonographer said. "It's a little girl" she said a minute later. "Yay! A baby girl. We're having a daughter, Y/ N" Erick said. "We are. Ahhhh, E. I'm so happy" I say. "Me too. I'm going to have a little princess to spoil rotten. Can't wait to meet our daughter" he said. "Me too. I know you're gonna be a great dad, Erick because you're a great guy" I reply. "Awe, babe. You'll be the greatest mom" he said. We leave the hospital really happy to find out that we are having a baby girl


Zabdiel 🧡

Me and Zabdiel are going to find out the genders of our twins today. We would like one of each, a boy and a girl but we wouldn't mind if we have two girls or two boys. We are going to find out soon and we can't wait. We are so ready to get things ready for our babies once we know what the genders are. We cannot wait to be parents. Zabdiel and I arrived at the hospital just a few minutes ago and we are waiting to be called in. "This is probably one of the most exciting moments I've anticipated in my life" he says. "Yep I know it is. Well not long now, Zabdi" I smile. Soon we get called into the room for our scan. We get greeted and I lay down on the bed and roll up my top. My bump is getting quite big now. Zabdiel squeezes my hand as he sits next to me. "Everything looks great with both babies. They both look healthy and have strong heartbeats. Would you like to know the genders or not?" the lady asks. "That's great and yes please we would love to please" Zabdiel replies. "Yes" I reply. "Well I see a girl and another girl so congratulations you are having twins girls" the lady says. "Ahhhh two little princesses" Zabdiel said. "Two little princesses indeed. Awww I'm so happy, Zabdi" I reply. "This is amazing" he whispers to me. Zabdiel and I are so happy to find out that both of our babies are girls. We are going to have two beautiful girls to love


Christopher 💚

Christopher and I have both agreed to not find out the gender of our baby till he or she is born. We want it to be a surprise as we both love surprises and plus it doesn't matter to us if we have a boy or a girl. It's even more exciting when you don't know we think. So we are going to get gender neutral things when we go out shopping soon. Can't wait to see if we are having a boy or a girl. "Can't wait to meet this little one when he or she comes" Chris said as we are sat on the couch watching TV. "Me too. It's so exciting, mi amor" I reply. "It is, mi amor. I love you so much and our baby boy or girl" Christopher said looking into my eyes. "Me too. So so much. You two are my favourite people" I reply. "You two are my favourite people too. Can't wait to be a daddy" he said. I smile and Christopher kisses me on the lips. We are happy that we didn't find out our baby's gender. We can keep guessing for the next few months. Will it be a boy or a girl?

A/ N: hope you like the genders I selected out. I know more twin girls but I really wanted to use the names. Names coming in several chapters

Any guesses do the genders of Chris's baby? Won't be revealed till labor and delivery

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