27. Labor/ Delivery- Joel 💙

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I'm approaching 40 weeks in my pregnancy. Any day now and baby Oliver could be born. Me and Joel can't wait to welcome our baby son into the world. He's already the most incredible thing that has ever happened to us and we've not even met him yet. Joel has been at home with me everyday for the last week or so just in case I go into labor. He doesn't want to leave me alone because he's not like that. He's the most sweetest, kindest and caring guy in this world and I love him so much. Me and Joel have just been cuddled in bed and we are getting ready for bed now as we are both tired and need to sleep more than we need to stay awake. I haven't been feeling good for the last hour or so. I've been getting cramps and back pain. I haven't told Joel as I didn't want to worry of panic him with it. I go into the bathroom to clean my teeth and go to the toilet before getting into bed. Joel will do the same after me. It takes me twice as long now to get ready and do normal things obviously as I'm so pregnant. I slowly go into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. As I'm cleaning my teeth the backache seems to be getting worse and the cramps too. I try to persevere with it and sit myself down on the toilet. "Joel, Joel" I call a few minutes later. "Are you okay, sweetie?" he asks. "No not really. I think I'm having contractions" I reply. "It's okay, baby. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Joel asks. "No just wait sometime. We have to time my contractions. Hang on I really need to pee" I reply. Joel stays with me while I pee and we monitor my contractions too before setting off to the hospital

Joel drives as fast as he can to the hospital. A bit too fast actually but he needed to get me there quick as I was in labor. "Joel, it hurts so bad" I say. "I know, baby. I'm getting you there as quick as I can" Joel replies. He drives so fast that he's probably going over the speed limit. Joel takes the wrong turning and takes us down the wrong way. A way we don't recognise. "Oh shit. I went the wrong way. Errrrr I don't know how to go back" he said. "It's okay" I reply. My contractions get worse. I swear I can feel Oliver's head. "Joel, I think he's coming. I can feel his head" I say. "Right. I need to pull in" Joel replies. I'm not blaming him for going the wrong way. It's easy done when it's pitch black and when you're not a regular driver. Anyway a few minutes later, Joel finds somewhere to pull up on the side of the road. Thank God it was a quite road and we could pull up. "I'll lift you to the back so we have more room" Joel said. "Okay" I reply. I'm definitely going to have this baby in the car. "I'm gonna phone for an ambulance. Just stay calm babe" Joel said. "I will try. He sits me on the back seats and I try to find a comfortable position but although it wasn't easy. This is definitely not the way I wanted to give birth to our first child" I reply. Joel calls and asks for an ambulance. He says I'm about to give birth and they talk him through it on the phone. I've probably been in labor a lot longer than an hour or so. When I went feeling well earlier, I was probably in labor then. I can't wait till we get to hospital. The call handler talks Joel through how to deliver the baby as I push. "OMG it hurts so much" I scream. "You're doing so well, mi amor" he said. I continue to push. "Hang on we need a blanket. Is there one in the bag?" Joel asks. I nod my head. He grabs the blanket from the hospital bag next to us and gets ready for when baby Oliver comes out. "Be ready to catch the baby when he comes out and wrap him up" the lady on the phone said. Several more pushes later and our son Oliver James Pimentel is born. "Here he is, babe. Safe and sound" Joel said. I catch my breath and say. "He's here. Awwww he's beautiful" I say. "You did amazing, babe" he smiles. "Thank you. You did too" I reply. Joel cleans Oliver up and wraps him in a blanket to keep him warm and hands him to me. The ambulance will be here soon to check on him and deliver the placenta

Soon the ambulance arrives. I gave birth just a few minutes ago. Me and Joel haven't taken our eyes off Oliver. I deliver the placenta and they check over me and Oliver before taking us to hospital. I ride in the ambulance with our newborn son and Joel takes the car and meets us there. We all get there pretty soon. When we got to the hospital thru checked us over again and weighed baby Oliver and measured in. Since it's the early hours of the morning, they are keeping us in. Me and Joel got to hold him soon after and got to know him better. "He's just amazing, babe. Just the most incredible thing ever" Joel said. "He is. He's so beautiful and precious" I reply. "He is. I can't believe I'm a daddy. I can't believe we are parents" he said. "We are. Parents to this beautiful little boy here whom we adore already" I reply. "We do. I love him. He's gorgeous. Gonna be a daddy's boy" Joel said. "Well he's definitely got your looks" I reply. Oliver has Joel's eyes and dark hair. I knew he would. Handsome like his daddy. He had a bit of a dramatic entrance into the world but he's heat safe and sound now. Oliver James Pimentel is just a blessing and gorgeous

Oliver James Pimentel 💙Born September 3rd @ 1:01amWeight 7lbs 7oz

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Oliver James Pimentel 💙
Born September 3rd @ 1:01am
Weight 7lbs 7oz

A/ N: so that's the first labor and delivery part up. I'm really proud of this one. I made it a bit different and also dramatic. How gorgeous is baby Oliver? Awwwww. Joel will be an amazing daddy some day

Random question
Do you prefer Joel with or without a beard? I don't dislike him with a beard. It kinda suits him in a way but I prefer him without generally prefer him without. I just like my men clean shaven haha

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