29. Labor/ Delivery- Erick 💜

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Erick and the boys are doing a mini tour that has just cropped up at the last minute and I've joined them for them for the next few days. I'm less than a week from my due date so baby Sofia could come anytime in the next few days. Me and Erick are aware of that but I didn't want us to be apart at this time. It took me a lot of energy to decide weather I wanted to go or not. I haven't really been enjoying myself on tour with the boys as I've been worrying about when I might go into labor at anytime but I wanted to go and be on the road with Erick. I don't want him to miss the birth of our daughter for the world. I know how much he can't wait to be a father. The boys are playing in New York tonight. There is a hospital quite near to where they are playing just in case anything happens. We hope baby Sofia will stay in there till her due date. The boys have been so good to me and getting me things and checking on me. Awww so nice of them. I love them all. I'm laid on the couch in a quiet room backstage taking a nap. The boys understand when I want some quiet time. The door opens and Erick walks in and checks on me. I love how anxious and concerned he is. "Hey, baby. How are you feeling?" he asks. "I'm feeling alright. Just tired obviously" I reply. "I know, honey. I know how you feel" Erick replies. "You don't" I reply. "I do because I know you, Y/ N" he said squishes my nose. He leans down and kisses me on the cheek. "You still look so beautiful, Hermosa" Erick said. He stays with me for a few minutes then leaves me to have some more peace. Maybe coming on tour was a little too much for me. Erick was worried and told me I didn't have to but I wanted to

Several hours later and it's almost time for the show. I've been feeling tired like pretty much all day and I haven't really had the energy to do anything. I don't want to ruin the show or Erick and the boys though as I know how much it means to them. They are about to take to the stage anytime so I wish them luck. "Good luck, baby" I say to Erick. "Thank you. I don't need it because you're here" he replies. "Awww I love you"
I say. I kiss Erick before he goes onstage and then takes a seat in one of the backstages rooms and watch the boys perform. They always smash it so much and I'm so proud of them. As I'm watching the boys perform onstage, I start to feel a bit uneasy. I didn't want to tell anyone as they boys are in the middle of their show. I don't know exactly what contractions are like but I think I'm having one. I try to stay calm but it's getting a little worse. I lay back on the couch and put my feet up and see if it passes. About 30 minutes or so later the boys had finished their show so they come backstage. The boys run into the room I'm in. "Are you okay, babe?" Erick asks. "I think I'm having contractions, E" I reply. "Okay just stay calm. I'm calling a cab to take us to the hospital" he replies. "No not yet. Just wait a bit" I reply. "Okay" he said sitting next to me. We monitor my contractions and then call a cab to take me to the hospital. Erick was concerned and wanted to get me to the hospital as soon as he could. Traffic and was a bit of an issue but we got there in the end. I wanted to wait too after the tour to go into labor but clearly our baby girl doesn't want to wait till then

After several hours of pain, tears and pushing, our beautiful daughter Sofia Maria Colón came into the world. OMG. She is so beautiful. The most beautiful little thing we've ever seen. She's amazing. How did we make a baby this gorgeous? I find out pretty hard to believe. As soon as Sofia was born, the midwives placed her on my chest for skin to skin contact. It was such a beautiful moment touching our daughter for the first time. Me and Erick are holding her right now. "Hello, gorgeous girl. I'm your daddy. Your the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen" Erick said to Sofia. "She certainly is. Erick, she's amazing" I reply. "She is. I can't believe she's here and I'm a dad. This is the greatest moment of my life" he said as a tear ran down his face. "She is. She's a blessing" I reply. "She is and beautiful just like her mother. I have the two most beautiful girls in the world in my life" Erick smiles. I smile back. A few minutes later, he hands Sofia to me to hold. The midwives said I can try breastfeeding her soon. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Me and Erick are so delighted that baby Sofia has arrived safely. She's the most beautiful baby girl. Awwww we are so in love with her

Sofia Maria Colón 💗Born May 19th @ 8:33am Weight 6lbs 9oz

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Sofia Maria Colón 💗
Born May 19th @ 8:33am
Weight 6lbs 9oz

A/ N: awwww baby Sofia is so beautiful. I thought this baby girl was gorgeous

Just to let you know there probably won't be an update tomorrow as I'm gonna be out all day so don't be alarmed if you don't see me posting. I'll make up by posting the last two on Sunday and maybe another day or two by having double updates. I'll get this finished before I go away in three weeks and hopefully my next one started. I'll explain that one later

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