20. Prenatal Class

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Joel 💙

Joel and I are attending our first prenatal class tonight. We are looking forward to going and finding out more about babies and what leads up to labor and delivery. We also lie meeting new people and making friends too. Me and Joel are very friendly and sociable people. We leave home about 30 minutes before 7pm. "I'm looking forward to our first prenatal class, babe" Joel said. "Yep me too. It will be good" I reply. We get in the car and soon arrive at the church hall which is wear the prenatal classes are being held. We park up and walk in and take a seat together with the other couples. Think we are the youngest here. The midwife walks in and introduces herself. "Hi, everyone. I'm Jackie and I'll be your leader for the next few weeks. Since this is the first session I would get to get to know you all" she said. They go around the circle and introduce ourselves to the group. "Hey, I'm Y/ N and this is Joel" I say. "We are married" Joel said. Everyone looks at us and smiles and thought we were pretty cute together. Jackie talks about the basic things about having a baby. Joel and I asked a few questions as we are kinda nervous for when the baby comes along but she said that's normal to be nervous when it's your first baby. We leave the class feeling more confident and happy by the end of it. "That was pretty good. Think I know a bit more about babies now" Joel said. "Yeah it was. It will get better. I do too" I reply. So our first prenatal class went pretty good. We are pleased we went now

Richard ❤️

Richard and I have been attending prenatal classes for the last few weeks so we can get ready and prepare for the birth of our son in the next couple of months. We are enjoying them so far and they are very useful. By the end we will be so ready for parenthood and the arrival of our baby boy. Can't wait to meet him. The next class is this morning around 10am. They are on Saturday morning. Richard and I get our shoes and jackets on and head out the door. We get in his car and drive. We don't know what will be happening this morning. About 20 minutes later we pull up outside the building and walk in together holding hands. "Wonder what we'll be doing today?" Richard asks. "I don't know. We will find out soon though" I reply. We walk in and take a seat with everyone in the group and wait till it starts. The ladies who run the group walk in and take a seat in the middle of the room. "Morning, everybody" said Joy. "So today you're probably wondering what we're doing" said Marie. "Well we have a little surprise for you. We are going to pass around these baby dolls for you to take home. They cry like real babies so you'll need to change them and feed them. It will get you used to it when you're baby comes along" Joy said. "Okay. That's kinda weird. Those are what they give to teenager girls to put them off getting pregnant" Richard whispers. "Yeah I know" I laugh. We get given our doll and have a look at it. "It's ugly. Nothing like a real baby" Richard said. "Rich" I say. Anyway after Richard complained a bit, the ladies explained what we should do with the baby dolls. They are basically representing real babies. We go home with the baby doll and start looking after it like we would do with our own baby. I guess it will make us feel more prepared

Erick 💜

Me and Erick have signed up for a pregnancy class course and we are going for our first one today. We will learn more about babies before our own comes along and we are looking forward to it. My mom persuaded us to go as she thought it would be good for us. We will probably be the youngest couple there but that doesn't really matter I suppose. We are in the car on our way to our first pregnancy class now. "So do you think we should still go to this, babe?" Erick asks. "Yeah absolutely. We've signed up and we are on our way now. There's no going back" I reply. "Yeah I agree" he said. Not long after we arrive there and get out and walk in. Everyone is sitting on the floor waiting for the class to start so we find a place to sit. I sit down and then Erick sits behind me and puts his arms around me and kisses my bump. Several minutes later the class starts with a little introduction. "Hey, I'm Erick and this is my girlfriend Y/ N and we are having a baby girl in the next few months and we can't wait" Erick said. I think people probably thought we were older than we are. We are both 19 now. Anyway the class starts with sharing a story of how we net. Like getting to know everyone basically. Erick and I explained how we met which was in school. We get given an information booklet about labor and delivery and stuff. Yes we were nervous going into it but it wasn't so bad once we got used to it. It was good and we'll attend the other ones and we'll be super ready for when our baby comes along

Zabdiel 🧡

For the last couple of weeks I've been going to prenatal classes on my own as Zabdiel has been busy working late nights in the studio and has missed the first two which is a shame because the classes are really helpful and useful but he's coming to the one tonight as he has a night off the studio. I'm so glad he can be at this one. It's important we both go before the twins come. We arrive at the class in plenty of time. We walk in and take a seat by the front. "I'm not gonna know who everyone is" Zabdiel said. "Yeah I know. I don't know everyone either" I reply. "We both can learn together" he smiles. Soon the class begins with the introduction like usual. "Y/ N, I believe you would like to introduce someone to us" the coordinator said. "Yes I do. This is my boyfriend Zabdiel. Love of my life and father of my baby girls. He's here tonight" I say. "Hey, everyone" Zabdiel says. Anyway the class begins with a lecture on changing a baby and bathing. She told us how to do it correctly and demonstrated too. Then we could have our own go. We get given a baby doll to change and then bathe. "This is pretty easy" Zabdiel said. "Haha it won't be when we have our own babies" I reply. "Well we'll see about that" he said. So it was pretty fun learning how to change and bathe a baby. We will keep practicing at hone till we get the hang of it by the time our own babies come, we will be experts. The prenatal class was good tonight and I introduced Zabdiel to the group as it was his first time. After a few of the other couples invited us out for a drink and a meal which was nice

Christopher 💚

Me and Christopher have been having my midwife Anna come over to our place to help us get ready for the birth of our baby. We couldn't find any prenatal classes in our area so she offered to come over and give us one to one lessons which is good. She does it free of charge which is great. She is coming over tonight and we are getting ready for her. We have bought an exercise ball to help with the classes that Anna does. The doorbell rings and I answer it. "Hey" I say. "Hi" Anna said. Chris makes her a drink and we sit down and talk first of all. "So how have you been getting on with the breathing exercises you've been practicing?" Anna asks. "Yeah they're been going really good. We've been doing them most days" I say. "Great. So what do you want to do today?" she asks. "Anything. Whatever you have your sleeve" Chris replies. "First things first. Would you want a home birth or a hospital birth?" Anna asks. "Well we haven't really considered a home birth and there is complications that could happen so I think we'll go with a hospital birth" I reply. "That's fine. Most of my expectant mothers have hospital births so that's absolutely fine" she replies. While Anna was at our place we talked for a while and asked her questions of anything we needed to know. We also showed us the breathing exercises we've been practicing and she was pleased. We really like having Anna over. She's really nice and helpful and know what's she's doing and makes us feel more confident about being parents soon

A/ N: looking forward to the next few parts guys

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