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Warnings: This story is very different to usual and includes bladder issues, age-reggression and anxiety so if any of these gross you out or trigger you turn away now, otherwise for the ones that will read enjoy :)


Harry had woken up to a sadly familiar cold and damp feeling under his body, there was a breif moment of stillness before the panic struck, he was on the tour bus. Of course if he was at home this wouldn't be much of a big deal he would get up and just clean it and himself up, after all he did live alone no embarresment would happen as he wouldn't be seen, but at this moment in time he was on a large tour bus with three of his clostest friends and his crush. The green eyed beauty sat up panicing over what to do, he checked the time it was currently 8:15am he didnt expect for any of the other boys to be up as there interview wasnt untill 1:00pm so he relaxed slightly untill he heard a voice, it was Louis' soon butterflies flew through Harrys stomic untill the situation at hand came back into the lime light. Harry had really hoped this wouldn't happen, his bladder issues were getting better but it was his fault for backing out of bringing any....well in his words 'protection' no not the kind ur thinking of, the kind that would protect him from soaking his underwear and trousers. Some tears rolled down his face as he over thought on what to do, before his head could catch up his mouth was shouting out a name, that name to be exact was Louis but what he said was
"boo bear help!" He regretted this very quickly, he was slowly regressing and he really didn't want his long time crush knowing what had happened that night but he had no time to shout 'nevermind' as Louis was already opening the master rooms door,
"Hey bud whats wrong?" Louis asked in a confused tone
"uh um...go away!" Harry replied
"but...but u shouted me?" Louis looked Harry up and down in confusion, he didnt notice anything wrong with the boy. Yes, Harry was hugging his covers and his eyes were watery but everything else seemed alright
"wait?...Wait why are u on the edge of tears?" The blue eyed boys concern grew stronger "not saying go away" Harry mumbled angerly
"Im ur mate just tell me, also can i sit down its startin to hurt standing"
"D-dont" Harry stuttered
"Why not?" Louis replied, Harry just avoided eye contact whimpering slightly as he was starting to feel uncomfortable he muttered out one simple word
"w-wet" well he wasnt wrong he was soaked and the only thing hiding it was his covers, Louis continued to look very confused
"i...what do u mean Harry?" The curly headed man pulled back the covers his eyes letting some tears escape "i...i-i w-wet the bed im so sorry" Harry said this very quietly hoping only Louis would hear
"oh...um thats alright Hazza lets just get you cleaned up" Louis said trying to comfort the younger lad, he was used to doing this from when his younger siblings were younger but its not exactly the same when doing it with a 24 year old boy that you have had a strong crush on for many years. Harry stood up his wet pj bottoms on show. "You might hafta pass the boys buddy" Louis said in sympathy for the tall boy of his dreams
"No. No. No. No." Harry winced.


Well hi there thank you for actually reading this. Im aware this is very different to my other fic, which dont worry ill still be updating. This was a little experiment story that ive been writting privately and been scared to publish but if you like it and want more feel free to vote and comment - Ollie

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