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Liam and Louis continued to have their water fight, Niall and Zayn had joined in a little chucking water mainly at Liam, the 4 were in dripping wet clothes . Harry was just trying to pay attention to the music and timing, trying not to hear the sloshing sound of water or thesplash it made as it missed them and hit the stage, he was also trying not to stare at Louis, because damn he looked hot in his soaked through top and his hair dripping wet, though the dripping of his hair wasn't helping Harry's desperate bladder.




Harry squirmed and looked away, singing his iconic lines in Over again. 'Only 20 minutes till the intrivill' he thought to himself. The brunette looked back over to Louis who was singing his solo.



Splash, as the water Zayn threw at Niall, missed the Irish lad and hit the stage.

Harry taped his foot desperately, wanting relief badly. He squirmed around he really hoped no one in the crowd had noticed he hoped they were paying more attention to Liam and Zayns water fight. His eyes were darting around and he almost lost his cue as all his attention was on trying to hold his bladder that was pleading for release.

Niall walked over to Harry strumming his guitar when it was needed, he didn't need to sing for a while, none if the boys did as Liam sang Strip that down, a few of them harmonised here and there but really it was just Liam and a little bit of Zayn Singing. It was qued up for after strip that down it would be Dont let it break your heart then finally Rember.

"You alright Harry?" Niall spoke pushing his head mic away from his mouth. He had noticed Harrys slight squirming.

"Needa piss" Harry muttered he was away from his mic anyway so he was okay to speak.

"Theres only three songs left only fifteen minutes till the 30 min intrivill, dont worry" Niall reassured him, Harry knew he couldn't hold on much longer.

"I dont think I can hold that long" he whimpered. "Its been two hours I've had one and a half bottles of water" he explained himself.

"You'll be okay" Niall said trying his best to help.

"Cant I go, we have announced on stage we needed before and just walked off" Harry asked.

"Liam is singing right now Haz, you need to wait till hes done" Niall explained.

"I dont even need to sing for the next three songs please cant I just go now?" Harry practically begged. Louis threw water at Niall and Niall got up to get his water bottle and throw water right back.

Harry squirmed trying so hard not to stuff his hands between his legs to desperately hold on. Liam threw water at him just as he finished Strip that down. Harry's eyes brimmed with tears he was trying so hard to hold on and he had just rembered that he had promised Louis he would sing this with him.

"So I'm going to be singing my song Dont let it break your heart but it's going to be a duet with Harry" Louis explained and the crowd cheered as the music started up.

Harry practically waddled over to his mic he winced as he kept a straight structure and uncrossed his legs taking a breath before singing with Louis. He saw people whispering in the crowd of loud people who were singing along with them. His eyes brimmed with more tears at the whispering that he was sure was about him.

He relaxed a little to much into the song when the people stoped whispering and that's when all went wrong.

Harry felt a warm wetness run down his pants initially he thought it was the water that had been thrown at him....then he realised just what it was.

He was peeing himself on stage! He desperately tried to stop, putting his hands at his crotch and jumping up and down, Louis and stoped singing and the music changed to Rember even though they were only half way through Louis' song. Harry began to cry and he ran off stage as fast as he could. He pinched himself hoping and wishing it was another one of his nightmares that played out like this....no this was reality.

Louis ran off after him. Liam wanted to run off too as he knew the boy was already not feeling so upbeat, but he had to sing his song.

Harry sat on the bathroom floor in the back stage dressing room, he had locked the door and he was muttering things under his breath.

"Did I really just do that?"

"People were ready filming and now they have that"

"Its gonna be all over Twitter"

"Hawee styles"

"Idiot, idiot"

Knock knock knock

"What do you want!" Harry yelled at who ever was at the other side of the door, he was so embarrassed in himself and now he was sitting in his soaked through trousers.

"Harry its Lou bear let me in, please" Louis spoke softly.

"Go away!" He yelled again.

The rest of this show....no the rest of this tour, was not going to go well at all.

//855 words-

I didn't proof read this sorry for any mistakes.

Sorry it's short I didnt really know what to write- I put up 4 chapters of a Harry potter fanfic if anybody cares, you can go read that because this will be getting less updates and that will be getting more.

Thanks for reading this chapter hope you enjoyed-

Stay safe 🙂

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