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It was true, Liam had faced bullying himself but for completely different reasons, one being that he is bisexual and another for his irrational fear of spoons, ofcourse theres a big difference between the two one of those is a hate crime and another is just some "harmless" teasing but he still knew what it felt like to be bullied so to act like that towards Harry was a stupid move and now he was laying in his boyfriends arms completely ignoring the fact that he probably crushed the young man's heart.

Meanwhile Harry had been found crying in Louis bunk
"Shhh shh your okay buddy" Louis comforted taking the brunette out of his lower bunk by holding his hand
"Go away" Harry snapped, walking into his room dummy and teddy in hand but not little at all, he placed the teddy down and put the dummy back into his suitcase, the bus was probably not too far from the next interview so he stripped his bed and put his dirty sheets and clothes in the corner of the room before getting dressed into some fresh boxers, tan corduroy trousers (pants) and a flowy pale lilac shirt,  if he got asked to change he would refuse he can wear what he likes. He wiped his face and walked back into the living area, no he didnt want faced by Liam or Zayn or anyone right now, but did he care no. He sat down on the couch carelessly next to Louis and scrolled through Instagram, he contemplated over todays events;

The bed wetting this moring, telling Louis was a mad mans move. Why didnt he just fix it himself...

The accident in the shop..

The almost accident at the interview...

And the other bed wetting that had just happened...causing Liam to now think Harry's an utter baby...

Not to mention all the boys had found out about his bladder issues well all but Zayn. Also Liam was being a dick about everything, why had he been like that. It was a asshole move and now Harry had a plan to ignore Liam and not talk to him unless completely necessary, yes childish I know but would you blame him?

Harry and most if the other boys continued to scroll through Instagram, Harry jumped slightly as Paul, their security guard and driver at the moment yelled out that they were 30 minutes away from the interview and that they would have very little time to get ready in the dressing rooms before going on. Louis yelled out an 'okay thanks' before whispering to Harry
"Hey I know this is an embarrassing question especially if u are big....but since the interview is 2 hours long-"
He got cut of by a grumpy Harry
"Two hours! I was not told it would be two hours!"
Harry then whinced when he released what Louis was going to ask...
"Hey don't be grumpy about it, as for my question...I think it would be a good idea for u to put on a pull up, sorry uh some protection" Louis put quote marks around the word protection slightly teasing Harry and he wasnt whispering as such now just talking sorta quietly as the others were off getting ready Niall in the bathroom and Ziam getting ready next to eachother, what Louis didnt know was that he was actually a little too loud...

Harrys "issues"Where stories live. Discover now