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"God I'm such a baby, I'm sorry" Zayn apologied again before ageing up, but his teddy still stayed close to his chest.

"Zayn I'm a little too, I'm pretty sure you know that....theres really no need for you to be embarrassed, now can you come to the lounge area were we are gonna try to explain to, the dick head...sorry I mean Liam what a little is?"
Harry asked giving a weak smile, he got a nod in response as Zayn put down his bunny and jumped down from the bunk. "And dont worry about being embarrassed about that, when I'm about to be humiliated.." Harry mumbled at the end a little.

"Humiliated?" Zayn asked confused still hearing what Harry said though he Mumbled it.

"You'll see" Harry responded before walking into the the lounge area, sitting next to Louis.  Zayn had sat next to Niall. Louis smiled a little before speaking.

"So now that were are all here time to explain what a little is briefly then answer whatever questions Niall and Liam may have, so Harry do you want to explain?" Louis spoke then glanced at Harry, the green eyed lad nodded before speaking.

"So uh....a little is someone who...um regresses into a childlike mind state to escape from; stress, anxiety, depression and many other things as it is a coping mechanism for many people. Though lots try to keep it secret. When little the person who is regressed may need a caregiver as they will act and think just like a child, some use childish things like; teddys uh dummys, sippy cups and depending on the littles age range um...n-nappys or pull ups" Harry finished snuggling into Louis a small blush covering his face. Liam looked on the edge of disgusted while Niall looked almost happy, Zayn was just squirming and bouncing his leg Harry had noticed.  "Um...Zayn if You're uncomfy you can go back to your bunk for a breather?" Harry spoke and looked at the raven haired man softly.

"Um no it's fine sorry" Zayn said keeping his gaze at the floor.

"Okay so it actually helps you?" Liam said questioningly slight disgust in his voice. "You said it helps things which means you're messed up in some way?" Liam spoke again.

"Liam, I have anxiety and we have noticed your issues too, so maybe making fun of mental disorders isn't the right way to try and make this coping mechanism sound 'bad' when its clearly not" Niall spoke using hand quote marks around the word bad. "Can I ask a question?" Niall spoke again his voice calm this time around.

"To me?" Harry looked up questioningly

"Yes to you Haz" Niall laughed softly. Harry nodded waiting for the question. "So I dont mean to embarrass you but the accidents I've seen today.." Niall got cut off by none other than Liam.

"Accidents? Oh you mean when little baby Hazza goes pee pee in his pants" Liam taunted, Zayn walked out going to his bunk and plugging his ear phones in blasting music so he couldn't hear what was going on.

"Guys we have a concert tonight in like.." Louis trailed off looking at his phone for the time before continuing "uh 4 hours we really need to fix this in the next let's say 2 and a half hours, so Liam if you would just stop being a bully that would be fucking great" Louis snapped, the pressure of the interview earlier looked bad and if they did a concert like this the fans would know somthing was up.

"Fine I'm sorry Harry, I was bullied as a kid and I'm...im not okay. Knowing that you have somthing to help you, that is healthy, and you always seem so happy gets to me.." Liam admitted, his gaze falling to the floor. He had revealed his reasons of being an asshole and now he was scared that he would get called weak. All the boys looked at him rather shocked.

"Um....well, well know you know I'm not always happy Liam....and good job on your honesty...we, we can all talk about this tonight but I think the main thing right now is getting you to accept and understand me and Zayn as littles..." Harry spoke trying not to mumble nearly all of his words. He then noticed his desperate need for a wee. He looked up at Louis panic shown in his eyes, yes he was in a pull up but he really didnt want accident at the moment especially when Niall had just brought it up.

"Yes Haz? You alright?" Louis questioned, Harry looked at him then to the toilet then back to him again, trying to hint his need. Louis got it surprisingly quickly, picking Harry up and speed walking to the bathroom.

"What was that about" Niall question aloud.

"Why would I know" Liam sassed back.

// 824 words-

I didn't read this over to correct it oops 🙃 dont mind any bad mistakes

See Liam ain't all bad

Zayn is getting more character development aswell

and Niall is just great as always

🙂 thank u for reading have a good day/night and stay safe 🙂

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