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Harry whimpered slightly, he was still very much in his little state of mind and really just wanted to cry, afterall he had just told his bestfriend his biggest secrets ever.

Niall didn't exactly know how to respond to the information he was given, the first thing he had been told made no sense to him, he had no idea what a little was and he was very confused on the bladder issues part of it all, if Harry had bladder issues how had he not had an 'accident' before.
Or had he just not noticed?
None of it added up in the boys head and in all honesty he wanted to rant in confusion but knowing Harry was in a fragile state of mind so he stated his words in a calm manner
"well...Harry, im not sure on how to react. I am your bestfriend and support you through everything. The bladder situation explains the pull ups from earlier, and im sorry that you have to deal with it. As for the 'little'.." he did quotation marks with his hands before continuing on
"the little part im not really sure what that means" he stoped waiting for a reply from Harry. Insted he got one from Louis,
"i get that you confused lad, dont worry about it. Once Harry is less uh...lets say less simple minded ill get you back through for a better discussion also do not tell the other two. Deal?" Louis comprises hoping Niall would agree as Harry is snuggling into him more. "Deal" the blonde agreed.

It was an hour later Harry had aged up since and was sitting with the other boys, but...Louis had insisted on him keeping his pull up on for safety messures which had left him slightly uncomfy and worried that the others would hear the crinkles and add on the fact he was trying to stay big for the interview in less than 30 mins the bus was 5 mins away from the studio and the interview was in 25 mins as it was 12:35. He scooted over closer to Louis
"I'm sorry but I have to take of the protection before the interview I just cant" Louis looked at him a bit confused before remembering he told the boy to keep on the 'protection'
"Lad your big do what you want I was just trying to help" he whispered before smiling wide.

The bus came to a stop...
'fuck' thought Harry he had no time to get changed now. He had to do hair and makeup and a quick top change then he would  be shoved into the interview room, he had no time at all. He slowly began to panic as the others got off the bus. He quickly caught up happy that no fans were at the location as there was extra safety and this could be classified a last minute interview. But still, he wanted to cling onto Louis...
'uh oh' was all he could  think as he realised he was regressing....


A/n- I'm sorry it took so long to update and it's such a short chapter but school is evil, but I hope u enjoyed what u got :)

Ps. Ik I keep leaving it on cliffhangers oops?

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