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He walked out leaving just Harry and Louis in the room.


Once Niall had left, Harry was still little and was whimpering at every little thing eventually, Louis gave in and wrapped him into a big hug.
"okay bud should we maybe get some bottoms on you?" Louis asked standing up and hoping the answer would br a yes as he really did not want to get a boner around little Harry.
Harry had nodded in responce, blushing profusely knowing what was about to happen
"alright Hazza lie down for me please" Louis smiled before digging through the bag that Niall had helpfully taken through for them. The Brunette soon found the pack of Pull ups, just as Harry lay down
"okay sun, im sorry but we dont have any cream...would u happen to have any?" Harry nodded again before pointing to the small makeup bag on a shelf, Louis walked over finding nappy rash cream at the bottom of the small bag.

Harry quickly aged up his anxiety hitting him. He sat up pulling down his shirt to hide his genitals
"i uh L-louis im sorry." Louis turned with the cream in his hand looking a little confused "um and and uh that....the c-cream...it was packed uh just... just in case of of um spots?" Harry said this more has a question than a statement, lieing through his teeth and he was really trying to hide the fact that he actually did need the pull ups that Niall had help provide. "Please turn aroud" Harry exclaimed wanting on some boxers, Louis turned around respectively as Harry pulled on a pair of boxers
"right yeah u can turn around again" louis turned on his heels
"okay Harry... now i know that your now big, but there is no need to try and hide stuff from me now. I now know about your little side and its perfectly fine to have it as a coping mechanism okay. It is also perfectly fine to need protection when big or small i am not and will never judge you for this" Harry winced before speaking
"Okay but....im still sorry that all of this happened. Im sorry for this morning too, i should of dealt with it myself. For in the shop im sorry i regressed and im sorry that another um...a-accident happened" Harry whispered the last sentence he started rocking back and forth in panic his anxiety fully taking over
"im sorry, im sorry, please im so sorry dont hate me" Harry continued to apologise repeatedly as tears began to run down his face as his breathing heavied and anxiety grew stronger
"hey shh, shh its okay" Louis had no clue what too do so he rushed to the living area.

"Niall uh please come to the master room its urgent!" Niall rushed too the room confused but when seeing his bestfriend in such distress that the blonde himself had felt many times before, he came too the rescue 
"hey shhh breath in" Harry obayed his breathing scratchy "and out" the youngest in the room exhaled, this went on untill the green eyed boy was calm but embarrassingly for him also regressed
"tanks y-you Ni Ni" Harry thanked him trying (and failing) to sound big
"Louis can you tell me what happened? What caused the anxiety attack?" Niall needed to know what triggered it, he was so confused and scared for his friend. In his head all of todays events revolving around Harry were very off; this morning was wierd to him with, the pull ups, the dummy and now an anxiety attack. Louis looked at Harry and sat next to him noticing he was regressed again, he whispered in his ear
"i know your little. Its alright buddy, now i think its time to tell Ni Ni whats been going on am i right?" Harry just nodded before looking at 'Ni Ni' Niall sat on the bed cross legged looking at the Worcestershire (blame google if its wrong) boy
"N-Ni Ni?" Harry asked his voices small and higher than usual Niall smiled before replying
"Yes mate whats up?"
Louis looked between the two, slightly scared for the interaction to happen
"I...i a l-little Ni Ni" Harry whined slightly and Louis smiled at Harry before nudging him, reminding him had somthing else to say "what else Haz?" Louis encouraged
"O-ohs...i...i also haves b-bladder issues da...if you saws...dats why me went wee wee in the shop on accident" Harrys face had went bright red as he snuggled into Louis.
Niall thought out his reply carefully "well..."

Harrys "issues"Where stories live. Discover now