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Harry threw the covers over his head as silent tears ran down his face, he clinged onto his teddy and sucked on the dummy harshly. Liam had only seen Harry for around 2 seconds but he saw the dummy and teddy and was shocked and confused his thought process was somthing like this; what was this? Some sort of kink or somthing? No cant be Harry isn't that strange...is he? Better ask? Imma ask.

"Harry?" Come out of the covers?" A strong smell hit Liams nose out of nowhere...pee? What the actual fuck is going on?
"Harry I'll be a second"
Liam ran off the get louis then the two came back, the same smell hit Louis nose and he instantly felt bad for the boy
"Harry love its lou bear could you come out of those icky covers please?" Louis coaxed him out while Liam continued to look confused, Harry came out of the covers dummy still in mouth teddy clenched to his chest his face wet from tears and his boxers and bed wet from pee. He pouted as some more tears rolled down his solumn (solumn means sad) face, Louis now understood Liams shocked and confused manner from when coming to get him until now
"Aw buddy shh shh dont cry now since Liam has seen this isn't it time to explain?"

Harry nodded in response

"Is this why he's been odd all day because he's a wierdo?" Liam asked harshly

"Oi fucking dare call him a wierdo again!" Louis shouted and Harry winced

"Sorry baby hush shh I'm sorry for shouting just liam here is judging you before understanding or letting us explain like we did with Niall"

"Niall knows about this wierd shit?"

"Actually we didnt give him a full explanation I should do that later anyway Liam you need to calm down and let us explain"

"Fine go, explain"

"First it's a coping mechanism just like breathing exercises drawing or even cutting but of course with this its healthy just like breathing and drawing nothing bad can happen and it helps him and others cope"

"How does having a dummy, a teddy and I'm guessing wetting the bed help and what is it even a coping mechanism for?"

Harry winced again he didnt wanna explain anything

"I...I dont know what it's a coping mechanism for, I'm guessing anxiety as he had a panic attack not too long ago. Also, it helps him as he regresses to a younger state of mind being mentally that age thats why he has a dummy and a teddy as for the bed wetting that's an issue both grown up and Little Harry has" Louis finished his explanation and looked over at Harry....he wasnt there....where was he?

"So hes a baby and a bed better?"

"No he has a coping mechanism and bladder issues and bullying him is an asshole move when you know what it's like youself"

"Kay sorry"

"Anyway hes disappeared and his dummy and teddy are with him meaning Zayn probably now knows aswell"

Louis walked out the room to find Harry he got two steps out when he heard crying coming from his own bunk maybe Zayn didnt know and maybe Harry didnt embarrass himself? As for that Liam had walked back through to the living area to cuddle with his boyfriend.

Harrys "issues"Where stories live. Discover now