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'uh oh' was all he could  think as he realised he was regressing....


Harry's mind slowly went to a childlike state, he grabbed onto Louis hand gently before looking him in the eyes, panic shown in his own green orbs.
"You okay? Going little?" Louis asked quitely getting a nod in response.

The tallest boy shuffled as they all walked into the dressing room Harry sat down whimpering as the padded underwear hit his butt, Louis looked at him still concerned
"You alright bud" he asked sweetly all he got in response was another nod, no words just a silent nod
"Aye mate you've been acting odd all day" Zayn butted in rather rudely his tone harsher than it needed to be it caused the 'child' to whince as he slowly aged up to around the age of eight not young but definitely not the headspace he needed right now anything but his real age could be a problem at this moment in time, he responded to Zayns rude comment from before
"leave me alone meanie"
Harry griminced he didnt wanna go big or be around 'big kids' he also really didn't wanna do the interview in any headspace because people never let him sit next to 'Lou bear' and that was mean in his eyes. He began to regress further going back to a younger mind set around four.

"hi boys got told its Nialls turn next for hair and makeup" Liam spoke walking into the dressing room his hair perfectly in place, Niall walked out as a conversation picked up in the dressing room. "You all alright?" Liam asked
No one had spoke since Harry had, his voice high and soft and sounding very childlike perfect for the age he currently was, he clinged to Louis whimpering as he realised the warm soft feeling beneath him....he had wet his pull up and it was quite noticable under his tight jeans he whined again a few tears rolling down his face as he regressed fully out of panic and was now mentally two. Harry began to cry as Louis noticed the rather odd issue and was gonna whisper to him before Liam butted in out of confusion
"Uh why ya crying you never cry Haz? Well you do but it's quite rare" he tilled his head waiting for a response
"well?" He coaxed
Harry just looked at him then looked away again he didn't understand what the older ment he didn't understand a whole lot right now. Louis looked down at the childish man on his lap as the other two looked on in confusion both almost speechless Harry shuffled about continuing to sob quitely, the Doncaster boy stood up and walked into the bathroom of the rather large dressing room "okay bud I think your gonna hafta age up and go commando for this interview" Harry looked up worried as he aged up his head going less fuzzy
"do I hafta Lou?" He asked his voice soft and sad
"I'm sorry bud but yes you've gotta" Louis looked at him sympathy shown in his blue eyes.


A/N: My updates are gonna be pretty spaced out for a while as school is really dumb

Harrys "issues"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora