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"Your a what? Harry's a what?" Liam exclaimed confused.

"A little" Niall responded.

"Once again, a what?"

"A little Liam! They are littles and I dont know what it is as I've gotten very little explanation myself but.." Niall go cut if by Paul walking in.

"Back to the bus boys concert venue is three hours away and you need a rehearsal and sound check first"

They all replied with "Be there in five" before continuing thier conversation that was going on.

"As I was saying. But I'm not being a dick about it am I? We will continue this on the bus for now we better get leaving" Niall was just as mad as the others at how Liam was acting. Even if he wasn't fully sure on what a little was himself he still wanted to protect his friends.

Louis looked down at Harry giving him a smile. "Am I carrying you are are you walking?" He asked before he smiled again.

"I can walk, I've been big for five minutes I just wanted a hug" Harry blushed slightly before standing up.

"Oh Harry can stand? Good job most babys cant do that" Liam mocked him before walking out of the room making his way to the bus with a security guard.

"You do know that I would of punched him earlier if you didnt stop me right?" Harry said his voice low with anger showing through. Niall had just left the room saying he needed food, he walked to the bus rather quickly.

Harry held on to Louis hand before looking at Zayn over his shoulder, he gave a weak smile. Knowing that Niall didn't know what a little was and Liam was an asshole he knew it had to be him, who they had been talking about but he had slept through alot of the rant and was quite confused on what fully happened. He bucked up the courage to ask Zayn a question, "Zayn?"

"Yeah Haz" he responded.

"Um um...are you um...uh a little? Well, ageregressor..." Harry spoke slowly and a little shakey. Before Zayn could respond Louis butted in.

"Guys we need to be getting to the bus now, can you walk and talk? And Nialls probably halfway down the hall, maybe even at the bus" Louis asked trying to sound sincere while also hurrying the two up.

"Yeah sorry lou" Harry's said pouting a little before they began to walk, Zayn just a little behind the two. "So um Zayn are...are you a little? Harry asked again once Zayn caught up to them.

"Well...um....yeah" Zayn stuttered out almost silently.

"Was that a yes?" Harry asked as he hadn't quite heard what Zayn said.

"Yeah-" Zayn avoided eye contact as the three walked into the bus. "We can talk about this later Haz okay?" Zayn said waiting for a response.

"Okays Z" Harry smiled as Zayn walked over to his bunk. Zayn grabbed his back pack from the lounge area first though, he had told the others it was deodorant ect. Really it was his little stuff.

Zayn climbed up to his top bunk opening his small back pack, smiling a little at the; dummys, a sippy cup and his bunny teddy. Zayn grabbed his light blue dummy that said king on it, he wiped it with a baby wipe from the bag before popping it into his mouth. He plugged in his earphones into his phone and went onto Netflix, putting my little pony on. Harry and Louis walked into Harry's room being shocked when they saw Liam on Harry's bed.

"Get the fuck out if my room!" Harry screamed. Liam gave a sinister smile holding up Harry's dummys a teddy and a pull up.

"So you really are a baby arn't you Harry" Liam chuckled a bit. Louis glared at him.

"Put down Harry's stuff now!" Louis yelled.

"So it is Harry's then" Liam smirked. "I searched what a little was Harry, I know your into some weird kink" Liam spoke.

"What? No no! Liam that's the wrong thing! I'm an ageregressor its a coping mechanism!!" Harry almost fell the floor tears threatening to fall.

"Why the pull ups Harry? Hm are you a little bed wetter?" Liam teased.

"No.." Harry whispered lieing. Niall heard the shouting from the lounge and barged in.

"What's going on?!?" Niall questioned almost shouting.
"Liam put Harry's stuff down, and let the two explain" Niall spoke again. Liam dropped the dummys placed the teddy on the bed and threw the pull up at Harry.

"Omph, what was that for!" Harry yelled droping the pull up to the floor.

"Thought you might need it since your a baby" Liam exclaimed.

"Right Liam to the lounge, actually all of us are going to the lounge to try to explain this to you. Though your going to continue to be an arrogant c*nt either way" Louis said angrily before looking at Harry, "Can you get Zayn for me while us three go to the lounge?" Harry nodded running off.as the other three made thier way to the lounge sitting on the sofas, Niall and Liam on one and Louis on the other, Niall and Louis spoke a bit while waiting for Zayn and Harry.

Harry knocked on the wood next to Zayns bunk "Z?" He asked, no response was given "Zayn?" He asked again, still so reply. Harry tugged on the curtain, Zayn looked at him in shock dummy in his mouth my little pony playing on his phone and a bunny teddy in hand. Zayn took out his head phones and dummy but kept the bunny in his arms.

"Harry...I'm...I'm sorry" Zayn apologised tears brimming his eyes.

"No Zayn shh, it's okay dont cry I'm sorry that I scared you" Harry tried to comfort him.

// 975 words-
Hope you enjoyed 🙂

Just to clarify I do not hate Liam at all I just chose to make him the mean one in this fic.

If you like Harry potter go read my new fic - 'The broken slytherin'

🙂 Stay safe 🙂

As always thanks for reading 😊 //

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