Not the baby anymore

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You sat on your knees next to Elliot as the both of you looked at your thick little bunch of Blue Hydrangea flowers. Doctor Veleski said he was going to order seeds, but since it was fall and the winter would be here soon he ordered the actual plants themselves.

When they arrived they weren't blooming yet and you and Elliot found them in the garden one day, waiting to be put in the ground. The two of you wasted no time doing just that. For the next two weeks, it was full of watching and caring for the plants.

Two weeks and they were blooming. For your first try, it was not so bad, they were more sky blue than indigo blue. Beautiful nevertheless though.

You gave Elliot a big smile and held your hand up for a high five. He looked down at you for a second, glanced at your hand and furrowed his eyes. He flicked his eyes back up at yours under his lowered bushy eyebrows. Then it hit you, he had no idea what high five was.

You held back a chuckle as his confusion face was quite funny. It looked like an accusation face and his scar snarl made it look like he was pouting in the slightest.

You never thought this would come to your mind, but he was actually kind of cute. You demonstrated how to make a high five and he held up his hand suspiciously.

You lightly tapped his hand with your own, the little clap sound filling the area. You beamed even brighter up at your giant as he continued to look at you with a furrowed brow.

" A high five is kind of like... a good job! gesture." You explained to him. However, his expression did not look like it was going to change soon so you just gave him another smile and dropped your hand.

You jumped when a sound like barking dogs flew through the air. You turned and found Jack and Joshua practically ripping out each other's throats again.

You hated it when they did that. Fighting like rabid animals. Bloody scratches and dark bruises lining their bodies. Foam flecking the edges of their mouths.

You rolled your eyes and turned to smile at Elliot you were focused on his hand with that unimpressed snarl look of his, You had to hold back your giggle, he was too cute for a giant murder man.

The whistle blew and you were all brought in to lunch, and after that free time, then dinner, then shower, then bed.

It was sad but you had been here for a little over a month now and things kind of just fell into a rhythm. Wake up, eat breakfast with Elliot, go to group, have lunch with Elliot, spend time in the courtyard with Elliot. He was your only friend here, so he was the only one you ever really were voluntary around.

In the month you had been here Elliot has also warmed up to you quite a lot. He still didn't really like being touched, so there were never any hugs between you yet. But he wouldn't start gardening until you were right there and he wouldn't start eating until you were right there.

Which you hoped wouldn't last because you didn't plan on staying here much longer, or you hoped. Not that you didn't want to be his friend, but when you left you didn't want him to voluntarily starve himself if he wouldn't eat without you.

When it was time to wake up you were changed into your day clothes and walked to the cafeteria where you shared breakfast with Elliot and ignored the glares from the dark-headed girl at the table across from you.

Elliot never talked so it was always up to you to make conversation. However, today you just did not feel the need to say anything. So you just sat down next to the giant and ate your breakfast without saying a word. Words weren't needed for this morning.

When it was time for group you were all chained together in your usual order and headed off the meeting room. Something immediately caught your eye when you entered the room though. There was something new there.

With all the group members including the doctor, there were six chairs in total. Today, there was a seventh chair.

You were seated in your normal seats except you were not right next to Willy anymore, as the empty chair on your left now separated you from him.

You looked around to see if any of the others were just as confused as you but the only other one paying attention to the empty seat was Jack who stared at it like it had a mouth and was talking to him.

Doctor Valeski was in his usual seat, writing something down on a piece of paper while looking very focused and his lips pressed together.

Once everyone was chained to there chair and the guards left the room, Valeski finally clicked his pen and looked up at the group through his round glasses that reflected the light of the room. He was silent for only a moment, taking in everyone in the room before he got right to the point.

" Now, you are all probably wondering about this new seat we have with us." He said and paused for a minute. Letting his words sink into the minds of his patients. " From now on there are going to be seven of us. Today we will receive a new member to our group. I would have told you sooner to get you prepared, but unfortunately I was informed just this morning of his arrival.

A new member? to the group? THIS group? this new person had to have been bad to get placed in this group, as the was the group for the biggest and badest here at the asylum.

Just then there was yelling outside of the room, and the door flung open with a boom as guards wrestled a tall and quite intimidating man into the room.

He was absolutely losing his mind as three guards struggled to chain him to the chair. He struggled and flailed and screeched as the guards chained his right arm behind the chair, then his legs, and then were gone. Why did they not chain his left arm?

The answer was soon answered to you because he was still flailing around and making his chains rattle with terrifying violence. spittle flung from his mouth and landed just about everywhere. His dark brown hair was an absolute horrendous mess. Parts of it were long and reached his shoulders and parts of it were short as if it were ripped out.

As for his left arm? He did not have one. It was cut off at the elbow from what you could see. He kept clicking his teeth and you saw that every single tooth in his mouth was chipped in a horrible in some way shape or form. He swung his head around from side to side wildly, assessing the threats and everyone in the room. as he did this and your eyes met you saw that he had grey almost silver eyes.

The right eyes though, the one closest to you was an absolute wreck, the white part being so bloodshot that his whole eye was red, and his pupil was broken, and leaked like goo into his silver Iris.

His wild nature was getting too much though, as Elliot too, who was probably frightened by the spastic man across from him, started to growl and struggle in his chains. Things were getting out of hand as the Doctor tried calming the man next to you down.

" Benjamin, Benjamin please I know you're frightened but there is simply no need to act this way." He tried to soothe the dangerous male, but he only continued to struggle like a wild animal, making incoherent sounds.

Some of the spittle plug into your face and you whimpered as some of it landed in your eye and you had to lean your head down to wipe it on your shoulder.

It was only when you opened your eyes did you realize it had gone silent, and the raging Benjamine next to you ceased his struggling and was now looking at you with wide, doe-like eyes.

His eyes scared you greatly, as they held complete madness in them, especially the one with the broken pupil. something about how his eyes looked, however, how they were kind of like deer eyes. They were so scared, he was so scared.

You were suddenly hit with a memory of your little brother, who when he was younger, had similar scared eyes whenever there was a lightning storm. With that memory, a kind of instinct kicked in.

" Benjamin, it's ok, nothings going to hurt you." You said in the most soothing voice you could muster. His eyes didn't change, but he gave you a wide, all teeth smile that showed off all of his chipped and jagged teeth.

You don't know why he stopped struggling when he heard your voice, but you knew something was seriously wrong with this situation. something almost seemed familiar about him.

Why did you have this feeling? what did it mean?

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