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~If you can make a woman laugh,
you can make her do anything.
-Marilyn Monroe

I tossed and turned but just couldn't find the right position. A lingering haze of sleep sat somewhere at the back of my mind but was too far away to reach, floating in the pool of my memories.

Icy discomfort blossomed in my chest and made it difficult for me to breathe. Trying to make myself fall into slumber, I took as many deep breaths as I could, but many just caught in my throat, like an icy wind had blown down there and managed to freeze the air solid. At that moment, I knew this was going to be a long night.

I stared up in the ceiling letting my mind wander off. What has my life have really come to, I thought running away was the best option but I'm here living in somewhat a psycho billionaires house. That man could've chosen anyone else, and why is he even 'buying' person's what the hell.

I can't believe I'm only thinking about this now. I've been 'bought' without my consent, and I had no agreement with this. I was priced and sold like a piece of merchandise. Morning came and I was in the same spot not daring to move while tears fall from my eyes. It's been like this most days can't be able to sleep but somehow managed to keep a straight face without anyone knowing about my current situation.

"Laura," Vincent called followed by a soft knock at my door brought me up to sit. "Come in," I quickly wiped away my tears when he stepped foot in, his eyes wandering down to my face and the blanket that I had pulled up from revealing my exposed body. "Have you been crying?" He came to ask, I didn't act too surprised by this question. I'm well aware he doesn't care and most of all since I'm going to be his so-called wife I had to act for the eyes of the public.

I shook my head in a no manner to let this pass on, furthermore, if he does much push this I'd be more likely to ignore his question. He didn't and I'm precisely glad he didn't but he kept looking at me weirdly"Get ready we're going out to get something" he left without saying where we were going and I should wear when I was finished with my shower there was a black box on my bed with a note saying "wear this".

Setting the note aside I opened the box revealing ripped jeans and a plain shirt with a grey coat topping it off with slides, if these were heels I'd throw them in his face. I'm well aware of how he knows my size buy buying clothes that I already have in my closet. I rolled my eyes inwardly and got ready.

Making my way downstairs he was seated on a chair in the living room in casual clothes, ever since I've known this man he was always in a suit and nothing else. He got up while I trailed behind him walking outside to the car. It only took us ten minutes to reach a café, this is where he wanted to bring me but what for.

He stepped out the car with me closely following behind him, he took my hand while we walked hand in hand inside the cafe his touch was like an electric shock, forcing my heart to pound.

There were not many customers but a few glanced towards the entrance, as the door swinging open hurdled by a blast of chilly wind. Unlike the outside, the interior of the café was convivial and cheery with light illumination and colorful stockade the manner is fragranced by brown life roasted coffee which gave off a homely feeling. The customers looked shocked in bearing in mind that Vincent had entered at this point and surprisingly with a girl, I've heard he doesn't habitually travel out in the public domain places and moreover with a woman.

All that may perhaps be heard were loud chattering about Vincent and who was he with, a small number of whispers may possibly be heard others immediately minded their own business not having care who stepped inside the café. I took a seat though he sat across from me, this time we weren't six chairs away from each other but much more closer. He seemed disturbed but he cloaked his expression with his stoic features.

Clearing his throat he hands me one of the menus that were on the table. I could feel eyes on me and at that, I shifted uncomfortably on chair scanning my eyes over the menu. In the gloom of the cafe, our knees almost touch under the narrow table, but too busy Vincent won't realize this. I sipped my coffee and eyed him suspiciously, what was he up to that's not likely him to bring me anywhere.

"Why'd you bring me here?" He looked outside the lights flashing almost blinding my eyes there were paparazzi everywhere pushing to get in the cafe Vincent held his hands shielding my eyes from the bright light taking my hand in the process as we walk towards the door.

"Mr. Johnson, who is your girlfriend?" A paparazzi asked, he placed a hand on my lower back drawing me close to him almost hearing his heartbeat. "This is Laura, my fiance," he says with adoration smiling down at me giving me a peck on the cheeks, at that small gesture I blushed unknowingly. 

All I could hear was ringing in my ears the flashes were giving me a hard time to see, Vincent realizing this pushed pass the crowd letting me inside the car. Vincent and I were the favorites of the paparazzi, our pictures appeared often in the tabloids and entertainment magazines.


"It was being reported and confirmed that the well-known billionaire Vincent Johnson is engaged by Laura Smith, reporters have spotted them together in at a café" I frowned at Tina's amusement while she read the news on her phone dipping my hands in the bag of chips bringing one to my lips chewing.

"Wow Laura, your popular!" Tina said in excitement jumping on the bed, any girl would be happy about this feeling but he robbed me from my freedom like my parent's only thing it didn't bring me much pain. I don't know what's his intentions, and he must have forgotten that he still owes me an apology

I was bored most of the days I'm here, other days I'm at his office interrupting his meetings which he doesn't mind like I've saved him from destruction.

"I don't want to be popular Tina I want my life back which that thing robbed me from" I crushed the bags with my hands in pure anger she giggled still jumping on the bed. So much for being supportive Tina.

"You'll get your life back babe don't worry," Tina reassured before getting off the bed and leaving, I haven't questioned her about where she's been going obviously none of my business but she seems happy and that makes me happy to know she's happy.

Not long before she left I could hear the words repeating in my head. "When it's time will you let him go?" I ignored her question now all it's doing is flooding my thoughts like a hurricane I can't be thinking of this nothing is going to possibly happen between him and me.

Vincent hates me it's evident, he clearly told me I'm not his type. Why would a guy like him go after me I'm a light skin most people will go after my head if I'm with a white man. Colour really doesn't matter in my case clearly he doesn't have a problem with my skin tone but others who are racist think it's not right in all honestly it is right everyone is not the same yes but we all have a heart.

Why do I even care on what people think, I never once minded about what person's thought I will not now it's ridiculous.

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