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~A woman is not an object of convenience, but a
creation of God's purpose.
-Wayne Chirisa

I felt something or someone touching me but I ignored it, it could've been Vincent moving around on the bed Iconvinced myself. The covers were slowly slipping off, this wasn't precisely a dream I knew by now what's reality and a dream. My sense came into action and I laid still for a bit, waiting on whosoever who had been tugging at the covers to do it again.

Nothing happened for a while, deciding on to go back to bed I pulled the blanket all the way finding warmth. Halfway into trying to fall back asleep the covers kept pulling, cold air came intact with my bare feet only in shorts it left my feet shaking. I snapped my eyes open looking around the dark room nobody was there but why did that felt so real.

The covers were off the bed that's when my fear grew out my chest, someone was in the room I looked to the door then back around the room I wanted to make a run for it but before I even blinked someone attacked me covering me.

Whoever it was big I couldn't push the person of me all I did was kick and scratch the person didn't bulge, their hands ran up and down my body as my breathing hitched tears sprinted out my eyes the memories flooded my mind nobody was there to save me, my mom wasn't going to burst through the door any minute nor will Vincent walk in. But I refused to let someone rape me with all my might a kicked the person of me screaming for day life making a run for the door. Quickly opening the door I fell on the way out backing up into a corner in the dark.

I couldn't do this anymore I walked down the stairs and went straight for the kitchen opening a drawer taking out the sharpest knife I could lay my hands on. The cold metal came intact with my wrist when I made the first cut it stung but I didn't care the pain that people caused hurt the most. The second then the third cut I watched as the blood dripped to the door.

Nobody will ever make this pain go away, why not stop it yourself Laura salt water tasted in my mouth and the calling off my name from Vincent. "Laura" I looked up to see Vincent looking at me with an angry expression behind him stood everyone Marvin had scratches all over his face and immediately I knew it was.

Vincent stormed away from my side and immediately knocked Marvin of his foot, no one could hold him back his eyes were dark, he wouldn't stop punching till he saw blood.

Two securities came pulling him off Marvin but he managed to escape there hold still punching Marvin who was sprawled out on the floor, the screams of the women only could be heard while I sat bleeding out failing to keep my eyes open.

"You bastard how dare you!" Vincent said out of breath, Marvin smiled at him spitting out blood on the floor and wiping the remains from his nose. "I wanted to know what was so special, why her? And it's was pretty clear, she's loyal and a feisty one I just wanted a taste," everyone was silent, no one dared to intervene or there would be consequences. Scarlett was fuming and it all met sense. Her and Marvin. I should've known.

"You'll regret ever touching her!" he barge his teeth like an animal rushing to my side. "Laura, look at me are you-" his hand spotted the blood on the floor the knife falling from my hands, the room was spinning and everything around me was becoming faint making it hard to see. The blood flowed like a lazy river. It flowed like so much red gravy across the white tiled floors.

"I'm fine just let me go free" his eye showed it all regret I touched his cheeks with my bloody hands wiping it gently. "Your not leaving me, not now, not ever" he took me in his arms walking to the front door.

"Look what y'all did, you people are fucking disgusting, look what you did to my wife your all going to pay for the mistake" I only heard his voice I couldn't see anything everything was a blur hate and enmity welled up in his heart, fury itself burning him up it was all evident in the way. "Please be okay" black spots covered my vision, I was running low on air supply and my eyes hold on a tonne of cement the last words before I passed out, how could I possibly live when everything hurts the pain ever since a child won't leave me, God please set me free.


The beeping sound of a machine made me aware that I was still alive, I lay there quietly keeping my eyes closed, matching my breaths to the beeping that surrounded the bed the only indications of my heartbeat my existence. My legs were somewhat numb, no memories of what happened came across my mind.

I opened my eyes meeting a dimmed lit room, I slowly got up with all the pain that I was feeling and scanned the room I was located in. I was in the hospital and at the corner of the room in a chair, there was a sleeping Vincent, above him was a window that showed the outside the moonlight shone through indicating it was night time. Letting out a deep yawn stretching my limbs causing me to scream I just realized that I have no remembrance of being here nor do I recall what happened.

"How long have I been?" I asked to no one in particular, I groaned and tugged at my hair. Nothing seemed to drag my memory on why I was here, did I do something?

Vincent shot out his seat when he heard my voice he rushed over to my side within seconds a worried look on his face. I don't like the way he looking at me and worst how he's looking. He looked tired like he hasn't slept in ages and the clothes that he wore carelessly. "Are you okay?" He gave a simple nod to answer my question but I wasn't pleased with what I got.

He doesn't always look or carry himself this way, something's up.  

His eyes showed the kind of gentle concern my grandfather used to get it's a shame that he suddenly died. He laid his hand lightly on my shoulder, and instead of flinching like I usually did, I was soothed by it. He left his hand there and spoke with such a soft voice I felt his words calming me more by the way they were said than the actual words. "Are you okay?" I nodded anyways not quite understanding why wouldn't I be okay, I was perfectly fine just the slight sting that I felt on my wrist that was bandaged.

"What happened" I brought myself to ask him but his features darken, he hesitated for a minute before he spoke to me only one world that let me scream almost losing air.

"Promise that you won't freak out and try anything stupid," Promise? Is he getting mad? If anything bad had happened in the past that brought me here made him this way then I don't want his pity. It must've been a reason why I did what I did.

"I can't promise I need to know why am I in the hospital, and whats with the bandages?" I raise my hand for him to see for himself, considering he might already know. "You slight your wrist because of Marvin," my mind couldn't track who was this Marvin, I groaned in frustration by the headache that I was getting. All memories that happened suddenly resurfaced, I squint my eyes shut but my vision came out much blurry.

"Get me out!" I shouted and started to pull the wires out, the beeping of the machine rang out in my ears making me scream out. "Doctor!" Vincent yelled, I tried pulling at the rest of the wires but my eyelids got heavy under my eyes. "Get me out," I whispered tears streaming down my face.

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