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~Don't ever let something go
that you love because you might end up breaking your own heart when someone possesses it.
-Author Unknown

I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I probably should have cried. I should have drowned Laura and me in this room and ended-all of the suffering, but I couldn't just for her sake.

I'd been holding my breath through all we had talked about, and as soon as she retrieved her back, not even to spare me a glance, I let it out. My heart twisted again and for a moment I panicked. I wanted to call her back, take it all back. I wanted to walk up to her and tell her how much I was sorry and that I never meant the words I said. Live the way we have always lived together. But then I remembered why I'm doing all this: for her.

Being alone as a child. That's how I was raised by my grandmother and multiple nannies. When my Nan passed away, I had cut off all ties with everyone and the disappearance of Laura had me going crazy. I failed as a guardian. It was indeed my responsibility to keep her safe and ensure that no one would harm her, but I failed. I'm a failure.

Laura had no idea what was going on, and I didn't give her any hints. I couldn't risk it all.

She looked at me with that same disappointed face she'd given me a million times before. I felt a stinging in my nose and my throat started to tighten. I opened my mouth to let in a small breath as tears welled in my eyes. I fought with everything I had to keep them from falling, but when she shook her head and turned away from me, I couldn't control it.

Peal shaped tears rapidly streamed down my face and I started to whimper. "Please.." I begged. But it was no use. She was already through the front door and left me there, alone. I collapsed to my knees and everything inside me shut down. My eyes stung and my body trembled. "Don't go," I muttered to myself, collapsing completely.

You misread me and then feel bitter and angry, though all the while I was simply doing my best to take care of you. My heart still beats, but against a chest that feels hollow.

My eyes still see, yet the world that is so close to me seems far away. My mind began to shut down, unwilling to think anymore.

Perhaps this is a shock. Maybe this is all a dream and I'll wake up with her in my arms like how I've always wanted her. She'll be staring at me with her big brown eyes till I wake up. I'm really not sure. All I know is that I keep on pouring in love, hoping for the day I earn redemption for "crimes" based on nothing but false perception.

My door burst open, but I hadn't moved from my spot. If only I wished it was Laura, but it wasn't.

I peeled open my eyes to see Mason looking at me with pity.

"She's gone?" He asked to take a seat across from me. The words were caught in my throat. I couldn't speak. I had lost it all. I was tearing all inside. My voice refused to let me speak. My brain can't even function like it usually does. "Vincent, it's going to b-"

"No you know what fuck that. It's really a shame how you let this happen. You had twelve years. Twelve long years and when you got one, what did you manage to do?"

"What was I supposed to do?" I snapped my fingers tightened around the chair arms. "What do you mean, what were you supposed to do!" he shouts, a wave of anger in his voice. "She opened up little by little, even when she hated you for ruining her life. Not once! Not fucking once! Did she try to betray you like everyone else around you!" By the time he was finished shouting, his chest was heaving.

"Didn't you think I trie-"

"What did you try huh? Tell me, Vince!" He held me by the collar, spitting each word into my face. "I-I I trie-"

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