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The crash happened seven years ago. The small scar that was on my hand reminded me of everything that took place on that day. Did I ever regret taking that plane? No I didn't. I was gifted with two things far greater than life itself: Venice and Vince. I made an ought to Vincent call my children those names whenever I had fallen pregnant. The pregnancy was unexpected. If I hadn't run out of the hospital for Tina's sake, then I'd probably have known that I was pregnant at that exact time.

What if it was faith to not know, to not let Vincent know I had the heirs to his companies, to be dead to the world and the people closest to me.

"I'm going to tell mother about this. Lorence, get down this instance, you brat." I heard Venice's voice which roared through the whole house, "Your shouting will not stop me from doing this, not because you are older than me by two minutes doesn't give you the right to order me" She screamed at him and I heard footsteps heading towards my room.

"Mother!" She said while knocking, she entered the bedroom and pointed outside. I sighed, closing my book and getting out of bed. Having twins wasn't so hard. It wasn't. Vince gave us all the trouble. While Venice was calm and collected, she got apart some of Vincent's good sides, but Vince got the arrogant side.

I walked down the hallway, passing their bedrooms, and soon reached the front door where Vince was busy putting up a trap for whosoever entered the house. "Morning mother," he simply said and smiled, showing me his teeth when he retired back to his setting up things. "I heard your sister telling you to get down. What if you fall off the ladder, Mr. Johnson" Just by saying that brought a grin to my face. He too hates it when I call him that. "Mom!" he whined, stepping down from the ladder.

"I'm a big boy, I wasn't going to fall" He rolled his eyes and stood close beside me where I stood looking at his work of art, as what he calls everything he does with a wicked grin spread across his face. He was indeed tall for being only seven, while Venice height wasn't close to his. "I told you to not try anything stupid. You set the neighbors cat on fire but luckily he's not dead as well didn't I tell you no to touch those." I pointed at the bucket of slime and ropes that were perfectly set at the door for anybody who walked through those doors.

"Yes, I know, but you didn't say for how long" He folded his arms over his chest and smirked. I pinched his cheeks and he yelled, "Mom! Not now, it's almost time, "He said ushering my hands away. "Mom, are you letting him get away with this again?" I shrugged my shoulders, grinning at him. He sighed, but his face lit up instantly when the doorknob twisted. The bucket of slime immediately went down on no one other than my co-worker Brad.

The giggles immediately filled the room and I could feel the breath out of me being sucked out of me, "You brat!" Brad said pointing at him. He was covered in neon green slime all over and the tulips he had were the same. He clenched his fist and stormed towards us in a swift moment. I pushed the twins behind me. Brad was almost drawing near when I saw him fall on the floor. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Vince with a baseball bat and before I could pull at him, he was hitting him hard.

"I told you and your ugly son to not come near my mom and sister," He said hitting him hard when he tried to get up. Vince would hit him harder, which caused him to fall back flat on the floor. I just stayed still watching Vince hit him. Brad was too touchy for my liking and his son kept annoying my daughter. Vince noticed this and kept doing everything he could to let him stay out of my life, but it was like when he did it more it gave him the chance to get closer to me and Venice didn't like the idea at all.

"Enough!" Venice's voice roared through the room, bringing Vince to a halt. She strolled towards him, grabbing the bat out of his hands, "Your. Son. Hit. Me." She said, hitting him and the tears pricked my eyes. His son had scared my daughter, something I didn't want her to endure. She was kneeling down holding her hands to her face crying. Vince rushed to her side and consoled her.

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