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Scarlett steps forward with confidence, she's indeed what you call a walking Barbie a fake one of course. They don't want me to the looks of it, they want her. Their grimacing looks gave the idea of who they wanted, the disgusted faces, their body posture that was ready at any given moment to beat the life out of me didn't even go unnoticed.

Though I had no way of getting out of this godforsaken room my brain was racing for ways out. Thinking about the outcome of one of them not being that evil to spare me but all of them weren't merciful at all. They're only four of them, I could easily ignore them until Vincent gets here or just ignore them but that'd be disrespectful, even speaking to them might be disrespectful something tells me their all liars. Menacing ones too. 

I'm harmless that's how I've described myself as, a gentle flower, loving, caring, and Scarlett the witch, what could they possibly like about her she's a bitch it's evident on her face and even the way she dresses. I know their's one person that despises her and that's Vincent, it's pretty much evident recalling their last counter and the thought had me growing angry.

That bitch slapped me, and she'll pay.

"So you're the fiance, what do you want with my son?" I snapped my head to Vincent's mother unbelievable what could I possibly want your son he's an ass.

"What do you mean what do I want I'm not with your son for just fame unlike some people" I composed myself and looked directly at my rival. It left an effect on her, I watched as she sunk her nails in the chair that she was now occupying. Of course, I'm not going to let this girl torment me and get away with it, whatever happened between her and Vincent I'm not going to be blamed for it. "Who exactly are you directing this answer to? There's no way my son a billionaire wants an amateur like you," I clenched my jaw forcing out a smile, they want a reaction out of me something I won't possibly give them.

Her son is just like her attack the weak but I'm not letting my guard down. I see why I don't like these people at first glance, their arrogance get the best of them and the money. Riches is not what I aim for, and it seems they take me as a gold digger.

"It's impossible mom! Vincent would never think about getting married to her just look at how she looks she's ugly," One of the sisters rambled about while the other nodded her head in agreement looking at me in pure disgust. I wouldn't say the same thing about her.

She screamed I stood calmly stopping myself from covering my heart from her screeching, these spoilt rich kids. Vincent acts far different from them and I can't comprehend how he managed with all of these people, this home is totally not welcoming at all I just knew that something bad was going to happen I felt it at the pit of my stomach.

"Are you pregnant? Are you trying to frame my son because if it's money you want I can give it to you" She spat at me disgust covering her features, incredible this is what I wanted all along being accused of false pregnancy and lying to her son about it? First I'm being addressed as a goal digger now this? What else is me being the one to let him die? Or having his company go through bankruptcy, I doubt that would ever happen.

"Melissa go get my bag so I can give her money, she's making everything look ugly around me," She has the nerve. I've seen enough to know that there's more than what meets the eye, she hasn't seen anything her cruelty is nothing compared to what of my parents. Every word that left her lips stung only fueling the fire that burned inside of me. Every violated phrase was like gasoline to it, my fists began to clench and my jaw rooted. 

"There's no require for that mother," I knew that it was in fact him by the swap in everyone's behavior but I stood my ground, whatever the outcome might be I'll defend myself at any cost. The smell of his cologne afflicts my nose something I rather defined as masculinity.

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