Gou Mingrui

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Title: Unexpected
Genre: fluff

3rd person's PoV

Y/N and Mingrui are online friends, well, online best friends.
They always have fun chatting with each other, all day, all night, they have lots in common, they trusted each other and they tell each other's secret, they both support each other.

Y/N live in Korea and Mingrui live in China, they always have wanted to meet each other, but they only have little jobs.

(A/N: imagine that Mingrui is 22 and Y/N or you is 21)

They are really close, they've known each other for 4 months, they've been great friends.

But suddenly....Mingrui stopped chatting her first, usually, Mingrui chatted her first, but now, Y/N chatted him first, and he answered for a pretty long time and with short answers.

Y/N's PoV

It's weird how Mingrui only answered with short answers, he changed, what happened to him?

Like, its confusing, it's like he's becoming a completely different person, sometimes I texted him, but he just reads it.

I wish he will change to his old self..
I missed the old him...
The sweet, nice, fun to talk with Mingrui...
When will that kind of Mingrui come back?

|2 months later|

I was busy and I ran out of data, so I don't play with my phone often, I asked my older sister for data and she give me.

I opened messenger, and I was hoping that Mingrui texted me or something, but no, he didn't, so I decided to just text him.


Hey Mingrui!

Hi, Y/Nie

Why didnt you text me?

Sorry I was busy,
Can I ask you where you live?

I live at xxx

Nothing, i just want to know

Oh okay?

Oh! I have to go!

Bye Mingrui!
(Seen 9:35 AM)

I wish I could chat with him more..I've began to gain feelings for him even though he is just my online best friend, but we already video call a few times, and.. I think he's really cute and attractive, he's nice and kind too..

I wish he wasn't that busy..
Suddenly, my sister peek in to my room,

"Hey sis, I'm going out, dont wait for me." She said while going downstairs.

"Okay, bye." I answered and go downstairs to get some food.

My sister left and I go grab some snacks and drinks and then I sit down at my sofa, I was watching TV and I suddenly feel sleepy, so I lay down and just sleep on my sofa.

|a few minutes later|

I woke up because theres someone who's knocking the door, so I get up and fixed my hair and opened it, and I was so shocked on who's standing in front of me now,

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