Ren Shuyang

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Title: Cheese ball
Genre: Fluff, Cliché

Y/N's PoV

I'm hanging out with Shuyang at the park, we are just watching the ducks swimming around on the pond, and we decided to buy some bread and feed them.

"Aww~~ they're so cute~~" I squealed because of the duck's cuteness.

"Yeah, like you." Shuyang said while smirking, I turned to look at him and and wear a confused face, but secretly I blushed.

"Did you ran into a pole?" I asked jokingly and chuckled, he glared at me and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever cutie." He said continued feeding the ducks,

"Hey, I want to feed the ducks too!" I whined a little and went to grab the bread but Shuyang just raised his hand that is holding the bread up, I pouted and crossed my hands.

"I will let you feed the ducks if..." He paused,

"If what?" I asked with confusion, he's been cheesy lately, gosh.

" kiss on both my cheeks and my forehead.." he said while smirking, I blushed and rolled my eyes and I was about to do what he asked me to do because I really wanted to feed those ducks, but he began talking again.

"Oh! And also my lips." He said and I blushed so hard and i smacked him on his arm.

"Theres no way I'm doing that!" I said and pouted.

"Look at the ducks, don't you what to feed them? And see them eating their bread cutely?" I swear, shuyang knows my weakness, my weakness is animals, I can't resist their cuteness, I'm going to sue shuyang for this.

"Fine! Only because I desperately want to feed them! Moron!" I said while sighing,

I went closer to him, damn He's tall, I'm 148 Cm and he's like... 161 Cm, like wtf.

I kissed both of his cheeks and I cupped his face and tried hard to reach his forehead, but he just kneeled down a little bit I can kiss his forehead, I kissed his forehead and he smirk while staring at me, he stopped kneeling down, and i gulped.

"Come on~ you don't want the ducks to starve, do you?" He said, I'm going to frickin sue you Ren Shuyang.

"Ughhh!" I was still cupping his adorable face and I gave him a quick peck, and he pouted.

"Hey! That's a peck! Not a kiss." He whined I just groaned and rolled my eyes, and here i go, i kissed him and pulled away, my first kiss is taken by my bestfriend + crush, what the hell-

I stopped cupping his face and looked away trying to hide my tomato face.

"Aww~ look at you, you look so cute~" he said teasingly, I just glared at him, and he handed the bread to me, and I quickly grab it and feed the ducks, I mean, it's pretty worth it, because I got to kiss my bestfriend + crush and second, I can feed the ducks yayy.

"Hey Y/N." Shuyang called me, and i just hummed for a response because i am too busy (A/N: ekhem- ekhem-) feeding the ducks.

"Will you catch me if..." he paused and I just looked at him.

"If I fell in love with you?" He asked and I glared at him.

"Seriously? Another pick up line?" I said and his face turned serious.

"I'm not joking tho." He said and i began to blush, I throwed the bread to the grass near the pond and the ducks ate the bread.

"W-what?" I asked in disbelief, there is no way that he is liking me back, right?

"Y/N, I fell for you since the day we met, I love your personality, your beauty, even your imperfections, I think you're the most wonderful person I have ever met." Shuyang confessed and I blushed and I smiled brightly.

"I love you Y/N, will you accept me?" He asked clearly nervous, I smiled brightly and I hugged him.

"I love you too, and I will accept you." I said while smiling, he hugged me back, and he breaks the hug and kissed me.

We pulled away and he smirked.

"Now that you're mine, I can now call you Mrs. Ren or babe." He said,

"Such a cheese ball." I said and I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"I'm your one and only." He winked and I just smiled.

"Yeah, you're my one and only cheese ball."


A/N: Hi, yes, I know this is cringey and I did cringe so hard when I'm making this, and now I think I'm bad at writing, for real, I make the crappiest and the cringiest stories.
Hope you enjoy anyways, after this, I will change the way I wrote the title of the chapter or part, hope that you guys think the new one is better.

I also really need requests, please comment and request! Thank you, have a nice day, bye!


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