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WW3 might happen, please stay safe, there could be sudden attacks, there could be a bomb, there could be gun shots and more.

China is stealing lots of fish from Indonesia, and China said that Natuna belongs to them, clearly no.

Natuna is one of the sea's that's full of fishes and lots of Tuna in Indonesia, and Australia is burning, koala's are dying *sniff*

Pedophiles wants to join the LGBTQ community and they call theirselves "Pedosexsual(s)" ok seriously wtf.

I don't hate China tho, I hate Donald Trump, sue me I dont care, he's racist, he's racist to muslims, like bro, he forbiddened muslims from America, so muslims CAN'T go to America.

If the president in America is still Donald Trump, I won't even want to go to America.

Anyways, that's all, please stay safe and be safe, I hope WW3 doesn't happen, because, bro, I'm still 12, I'm not ready to die young.

Other than that, I'm working on a LOT of boystory books, stay tuned for that and there might be a chance that I'll change the plot of my Gou Mingrui book, because I'm thinking of a better plot.

Okay, that's all, CinnamonGumDrops signing off,


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