Ren Shuyang X Reader X Jia Hanyu

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Love Triangle

(AU: royals au
Ages: You: 17
Hanyu: 19
Shuyang: 18)
(Requested by: Thalia_No-last-name)

Y/N's PoV

So, i was running from a wild beast, it was chasing me and it wants to kill me,so i ran as fast as i could.

Suddenly i tripped on a branch and i fell, i turned around and see the beast right infront of me, ready to eat me.

But before he could do anything, someone attacks him, phew, thank god!

The boy killed the beast with sword and he made the corpse of the beast disappear, he pants and he faced me, it was Hanyu, Prince of the water nation, also my crush.

Yes i do have feelings for him, but i also have feelings for another prince named Shuyang, prince of the fire nation.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He goes to my level and he cups my face and checking if I'm hurt or not.

"I'm okay, thanks Hanyu, i owe you one" i said and he smiled

"I'm glad you're okay," he said and he stand up and pulls me to stand up.

"Let me walk you home-" his words was cutten by fire, theres a fire near Hanyu, and then someone jumped out from the sky, and it was Shuyang.

"Shuyang, seriously? What are you doing" Hanyu said and pours water from his hands to the fire.

"What are YOU doing huh?" He said, he was clearly angry, but why?

"What do you mean? I just saved Y/N's life" Hanyu said

"Yeah, but you're stealing her away from me!" Shuyang said

"Well, i got her first, so i deserved her"  Hanyu said

"Argh! Lets have a battle! Whoever wins, get to be with Y/N!" Shuyang said

"When?" Hanyu asked

"Tomorrow, 9:30 AM, at the battlefield" Shuyang said

"Sounds good" Hanyu said and Shuyang walks away

"What just happened?" I asked

"You'll see" he said

~The next day~

It was 9:40, i remembered the Shuyang and Hanyu fight, i decided i would go there and see who wins.

~at the battlefield~

"ARGH!" Shuyang said and he punches Hanyu with a ball of fire, wait, they are in a reall battle?! I thought it was only,like a little competition.

"GUYS STOP" i shouted, but the 2 boys wont stop.

Hanyu attacks Shuyang with a wave of water and Shuyang tries to protect himself with a very strong fire shield.

"STOP" i tried stopping them again, they didn't stop.

They kept fighting, and then Hanyu wins,

"Hah! I win! So she's mine" Hanyu said, and Shuyang was very angry

"Ugh" he said

"Fine, Y/N, who do you choose?" Hanyu asked me, ah damn it, i can't choose..

"Uhm...give me one week to think of it" i said and they nodded.

~1 week later~

Hanyu and Shuyang tried their best to win my heart, by giving something or other things, and now i have made my decision.

Now I'm at a peaceful forest with Shuyang and Hanyu,

"So? Its been 1 week, have you made your decision?" Hanyu asked

"Yup, and i choose...." i paused

"I'm sorry, but i choose Hanyu." I said and Hanyu was happy and Shuyang was sad.

"Sorry Shuyang" i apologized,

"No no, its fine, congratulations Hanyu, i have to go now" Shuyang said and he left.

Hanyu cups my face and he kissed me gently on the lips, after a few seconds, well pulled away.

"I love you Y/N" Hanyu said

"I love you too"

-The End-

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