Ren Shuyang

721 10 4

The Foreigner

(Y/N ~> Arieanna)
(Requested by: Yoonig1010)

Arieanna's PoV

Hey, I'm Arieanna, and i just moved in China, i am originally Australian, and i have to move to China because of my mom, she wants to live here so i said why not.

The problem is, i don't know chinese, I'm going to start learning Chinese tomorrow.

I was done tidying up my room and i decided to take a walk

"Hey mom, can i take a walk?" I asked for my mom's permission

"Sure honey" she said, i thanked her and walked outside.

~time skip~

I think I'm lost, god damn it! How the heck am i going to go home? Ughh.

I was busy thinking about the way to go home, and i suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" i said in english, i looked up and i see a cute tall boy, he looks so attractive what the hell.

"Its okay" the boy said in broken english

"You look lost, where are you going?" He asked in chinese, i was so confused.

"Uhm sorry, i can't speak chinese" i said in english of course

"Uhh...uhm..follow me" he said in english and he start walking, i mean,he looks like he can be trusted, so i follow him.

~at somewhere(dorm)~

Shuyang's PoV

I bought her to me and my bestfriends' dorm,

"I'm home" i said and everyone was in the livingroom, watching movies.

"Guys, can you come here for a minute?" I called my bestfriends and they come near me.

"Who's this?" Hanyu asked while pointing at the girl i bumped into.

"She's a foreign, i think she's lost, she can only speak english" i said

"Oh, let me talk to her" Zihao said and he talked with her.

After Zihao and her have a conversation, Zihao said

"She is lost, lets take her home" And we all nodded and me and Zeyu decided to come along.

~at her house~

We dropped her off and she thanked us and Zihao asked for her number and she gave it and go inside of her house.

2 years later

My bestfriends, me and Arieanna are hanging out, I have feelings for Arienna for 2 years, now she understand Chinese, so i think its time to confess already.

I asked Arieanna to talk with me alone in my room, she said yes and now we're in my room.

"So? What do you want to talk about?"
Arieanna asked

"I...i like you..very much...I'm sorry, i just want to let out my feelings for you that i had for 2 years and-" my words are cutten by Arieqnna smashing her lips to mine, i was happy and shocked and i kissed back.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds and after that we pulled away.

"I like you too" she said and i smiled.

"Lets have our first date" i said, she nodded and we walk out of the dorm hand by hand.

~after the date~

Me and Arieanna just got home, and the others sent me a text, they said they will go home at night, so it was just me and Arieanna.

We decided to watch a movie and cuddle.

~time skip~

Me and Arieanna was cuddling while watching a movie, suddenly, i heard light snores, and i looked at Arieanna and see her sleeping peacefully, aww so cute.

I turn off the tv, i kissed Arieanna's forehead and i fell asleep.

-The End-

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