Li Zihao

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(Requested by: Yoonig1010)



Arieanna's PoV

You're my only hope, but you betrayed me, you're my only bestfriend, yet you left me.

You promised not to, remember?


"Zihao, promise me you'll never leave me?"

"I promise, to the moon and back"

Flashback end

You're still stuck on my head, i was hopeless without you, i was weak, very weak.

I was bullied, you just watched and laughed, you didn't even saved me, you just became one of them, what happened to you?

Why did you changed? Why did you leave me? Why Li Zihao?

I thought you will never leave me, i thought you will never change..

Stop this...its hurting me Zihao.. very badly..

My body was full of bruises and cuts, my eyes are swollen, I'm lonely, I'm bullied, what youe problem Zihao?

Why are you doing this?
Do you want me to stop existing?
Do you want me to be gone forever?
What do you want Zihao?

"Hey freak!" I turned around and saw Zihao

"Oh, hi.." i said

"This is probably my last day meeting you, thats why i wanted to tell you something." I said and he looked at me with confusion

"Zihao, I've always wondered why did you change, you we're my only bestfriend, my only hope, but now, you've become my bully, and my enemy, i always wonder if bullying me is the right thing to do..but..i just wanna say that...i still love you, i always remember those old memories, its just...that...i miss it..but now, the old Zihao is gone..i miss the old you Zihao...goodbye.." i said and i ran away crying, i heard him calling my name, but i just ran, and ran to the rooftop.

I cried there for a minute, and i looked up to the sky,

"I'll miss you Zihao.." i said and i jumped off the the railing.


Zihao's PoV


What was that?! Oh no, it could be Arieanna! Oh no oh no!

I quickly runs to the sound and everyone was surrounding simething and some of the students cried

I push some students from my way and i saw....Arieanna's dead body...!

"ARIEANNA!" I screamed and i fell to my knees, its all my fault, everything, its my fault, why did i leave her? Why did i laughed at her? Why did i changed? I miss our old memories together too Arieanna..i miss the old me too.... im so sorry...

"NO NO NO! ARIEANNA! ARIEANNA! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY" i screamed and cried hard, i regretted my whole life, my whole decision.

She was my hope aswell...

~2 weeks later~

3rd person's PoV

Zihao was not in a good condition, he was getting skinier, his face looks swollen, his eyes have black circles around it, he got scars on his wrist.

He regretted everything, everything he did to Arieanna, she was his hope aswell, his biggest hope.

" coming.." Zihao said as he hangs himself at his bedroom,

"You're also my only hope"

-The End-

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