Chapter 35

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Back at home, I got into the shower and he was resting in bed.  In two days he would be gone for a tour in Europe for a couple weeks.  I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.  The water flowed over my face and hair and suddenly it hit me, my baby!  Oh god I might have lost him or her!   I quickly hurried up and got put and dressed .    Shannon looked at me and was worried why I had rushed out the door.  S" what's wrong? ". Me " I have to tell you something ".  He gave me that look and said " so do I ".  I sat down by the foot of the bed and took a deep breath and said " I'm pregnant Shannon ".  He sat there in silence and I got worried.  What did he know that I didn't?    Me" Shannon? ".    S" I already knew,  um that's what I need to  talk to you about ".   I felt anxious and didn't wanna hear what he had to say.  S" you lost the baby when you got hit in the accident ". I felt empty,  I didn't even get to share the joyous news,  it was not how i wanted out to be.  S" come here ".  Me" I need a second ok...... I'm sorry ".  

I stepped outside and got some fresh air and tried to wrap my head around what he had just told me.  I wanted this baba so bad and I felt like all hope was lost.   I could hear a door open and then his warm sweet hands around my waist.  S" I'm sorry ".  I leaned my head on his shoulder and turned around.  S" we can always try again ".   Me" I know but I was so happy to find out that we were gonna have a baby and now I just feel like life was telling us that we just were not ment to have a kid.  I need to stop. And stay positive.

That night we went out to dinner and talked about the tour.  I wanted him to stay, but I needed not to be selfish and let him go and not hold him back. S" Julie, I wanna ask you something ".  I looked in his eyes and he smiled and I knew it was big.

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