Form Multipliers and Attacks

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- Form Multipliers and Attacks -

Ceros Ki Attacks:

Buster Cannon: A blue beam learned while training with Broly in the hyperbolic TimeChamber.
Boosts power by 2.5×

Lightning Fusion: A light blue beam with yellow lightning revolving around it. It blows up on impact with electricity which infuses into the target.
Boosts power by 3×

KING'S SABER: A blue Ki Blade like Vegitos but with lightning which sparks around it.
Boosts power by 4.5×

Fanged Strike: A purple disc attack which summons two discs in each hand which have Razor edges on the end. Able to cut through weaker Ki attacks.
Boosts power by 3×

Ceros Physical Attacks:

Knuckle Duster: when combining Ki with great Physical power you can boost your own essence itself greatly.
Boosts power by 1.5×

Limit Crash: Every significant hit received boosts your own power. By implanting Ki bubbles in your insides which ripple within your body if popped.
Boosts power by 4× each hit

Kaioken: Taught to him by Nasu. He can use up to Kaioken ×10
Boosts power 1.1×-10×

Ceros Forms:

Ssj- 50×
Wrathful- 100×
Wrathful Ssj- 1,750×
Wrathful Legendary Ssj- 21,750

The end-

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