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In the end, Samuel managed to invite Marina to the party at his house. I didn't think he had the balls to do it, he was so shy and awkward. Good for me, at least I wasn't the only one of our group, girls like Lu or Carla were too fancy for wild and unsophisticated parties. Marina and I decided to go together to Samuel's party since she knew where he lived and I didn't. As soon as we arrived, Samuel greeted us, especially Marina, then pointed to us the drinks table while he went to place Marina's jacket somewhere safe where drunk people couldn't throw upon it.

"Hey!" I turned around noticing a boy, probably older than us, welcoming my friend with a bottle of beer in his hand. They exchanged some words before the handsome and mysterious guy turned to me.

"I'm Nano, Samuel's brother. And you are?" he asked cheekily.

"Isabella, nice to meet you. I'm one of Samuel's classmates." I shook his hand and smiled slightly at him.

"Nano! I see you have met Bella!" The familiar voice of Christian resounded in my ears as he approached us with a voice and expression that hinted that he was not so sober already. "An incredible beauty, don't you think?" he said putting his arm around my shoulders. I shook my head at the boy's behaviour, I was about to argue back when he continued. "By the way... your boy is already here. It's weird you two didn't come together."

"Ander's here?" I asked surprised, he hadn't told me he would have come to this party, it wasn't his ideal habitat. He was a very calm and quiet guy.

"Yeah, he should be in the kitchen!" Christian yelled to overpower the loud music. I muttered a quiet 'thank you' before heading to the room my classmate had previously pointed. Samuel's kitchen didn't have doors cause it was connected with the living room, like some sort of rustic open space. I leaned out in the room finding finally Ander. In the beginning, I was quite shocked by seeing him in that type of party, he barely made it to our friends' parties, though then I understood everything. I observed a darker-skinned boy handing my boyfriend something secretly. I sharpened my sight, seeing in the unknown boy's hand a white pill, drugs. I remained petrified by the sight, disgusted by the scene in front of me.

"Am I interrupting something?" I interfered after an initial shock. Both boys turned briskly to me with surprise, or guilty concerning Ander.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" Ander asked walking towards me as if nothing had happened.

"I could ask you the same thing," I responded in kind once he was beside me.

"Isabella, that's Omar. Omar, she's my girlfriend, Isabella." Ander introduced us, ignoring my comment. I smiled kindly at the boy with a nod.

"Omar? As in Nadia's brother?" I asked remembering Nadia mentioning him. Omar nodded before exiting the room and giving us some sort of privacy.

"You should be careful about what you promise to people, you know?" I finally said after a few seconds of silence, he know he was 'guilty' and he wasn't able to defend himself.

"Don't start, please Isabella." He pressed his hand on his forehead.

"Don't tell me what to do! You lied to me, you said you would stop and you continued like an addict!" I didn't care about yelling, no one could hear me due to the loud music and if they did, they should mind their own business.

"I never said I would have stopped!" He screamed in my face. I looked at him with wide eyes shocked and offended by his sudden outburst.

"You are fucking unbelievable!" I waved my hands nervously in the air.  "You know what?" I pointed at him. "Fine, do what you want, kill yourself, become an addict. Don't come cry to me when you realise you fucked up!" I stormed out of the room, tired of listening to his stupid excuses. He was very well aware of what could happen to him, he was a grown man who could decide for himself.

"Hey hey hey!" I turned seeing Marina. "Come, we're playing spin the bottle," she said dragging me to the table where the game had already started.

Marina was acting as she was crazy: she drank half of a vodka bottle, she then kissed a girl and Omar, and lastly, she took her shirt off. The bottle then landed on me and I had to kiss Christian. On the corner of my eye, I could see Ander leaning on the wall right behind us so I took that chance: he had to learn not to mess with me. I grabbed Christian by the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me until our lips connected, there was no emotions or feeling it was pure passion and alcohol. But I have to admit, he was a good kisser.

Suddenly, Christian wasn't in front of me anymore. I opened my eyes seeing him pinned down on the floor by no less than Ander himself.
"You touch my girl again and you are dead!" He yelled in his face before letting him go. He turned to me, anger in his eyes giving away that my plan had worked perfectly.

He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the noisy apartment. I freed myself of his grip as soon as we were downstairs, outside of the building.

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled, tired of his attitude.

"What is wrong with me?! You're the one who kisses other boys in front of me!" he followed me as I started walking fast through the streets.

"It was just a game, we were having fun." I waved my hands furiously, not bothering to turn around.

"Having fun means striking your tongue inside his mouth?" he grabbed me by my wrist once again spinning me so that I was facing him. "I know you did it on purpose, to make me furious and frustrated." he lowered his voice.

"What if I did?" I looked up with a challenging expression.

He didn't reply, he just pressed his lips on mine furiously, there was no tenderness just lust and frustration, a game of dominance between our tongues.

"Your house is near right?" he whispered once we pulled away. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded starting to walk towards where my house was, him following close behind. We arrived at my house in a matter of minutes.

"Are your parents home?" he asked me in my ear as I opened the front door. I shook my head, they left soon after I went to the party.

"Good." was all he answered.

We entered the house, I turned on the lights, I didn't even have the time to place the bag somewhere that I fell his hands under my tights lifting me. He carried me to my bedroom, he knew the way by heart, our lips never breaking apart. I shivered as the cool duvet of my bed hit my spine when he placed me there. I watched him standing at the edge of the bed, taking off his jacket and his shirt. He then hovered over me, pressing his lips against yours in a hurry, no word was said. His fingertips went to the hem of my shorts, I arched my back so that he was able to take that piece of clothing off me. My head fell back against the purple pillow as he hooked his fingers behind my thong, a smirk grew on Ander's lips as he knelt in between of my legs. He pressed his fingers to my core, a cry left my mouth as he started his work.

"Does he make you feel this good, honey?" everyone thought of Ander as a quiet and innocent guy but he wasn't, especially when he got jealous, and I loved it, he turned me one even more than usual.

Another cry left my lips as he buried his face between my tights. Meanwhile, his hands roamed on my chest, touching my breasts, my abdomen, all my body.
I grabbed his face with my hands and I brought him up until he was face to face with me.

"I need you," I whispered against his lips. I looked at him as he got up and unhooked his belt and let his trousers fall on the floor. As he searched a condom in his wallet, I took off my shirt and bra leaving me completely naked in front of him. He returned to his previous position, pressing a trail of wet kisses on my neck and chest leaving marks now and then. He positioned himself at my entrance, pushing deep inside of me.

We were a hot mess, sweat covering our bodies, moans were the only sounds that could be heard in the room, our bodies tangled with each other, I love yous were murmured in between kisses. Because, yes, that act had started due to anger and lust, however, no one could deny the love we had for one another, that love that not even negative emotions could eliminate, a love that was meant to be.

Happy Wednesday everyone!! How are you all? I hope good, here another part to keep you company during these hard times. Enjoy!!


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