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"How much has he had to drink?" Ander asked Lu. It was already dark outside and in Guzman's mind hadn't even crossed the idea of leaving. At a certain point, the three of us sat down on a couch with Lu.

"I don't know, Ander." the girl replied honestly. "All of it. All he has left is the water from the swimming pool. Let's see if you manage to take him away from here." she was obviously stressed and done with that situation.

"Take me away? No, no!" he heard us apparently. "Who's staying? Are you staying? Come one! Who's staying?" how hyperactive was he?

"Me!" Valerio raised his hand making me roll my eyes. Where there were troubles, he was there.

Guzman continued yelling until he stumbled back, knocking down a white vase. "Fuck! Fucking hell! Sorry! Was it very expensive?" Lu stood up, pronouncing profanities too.

"No, I think my mom bought it at a Sotheby's auction, it's one of many." she tried to reassure him. "She won't miss it." Guzman laughed hysterically.

"I think we have had enough, right?" Lu took over the situation. "This was the last straw. We'd better leave." I got up, soon followed by the two boys.

"What a pain in the ass!" Guzman exclaimed exasperated.

"Let's go." Ander walked to him. "No, let's go, Guzman. You should sleep this off already."

"I'm fine!" he said like a child. "I'm awesome.  Why don't you stop treating me like an idiot?" he turned to us. "I'm fine, everything is perfect and wonderful." his facade was crushing down. "And we have all turned page, right?" He hugged Ander.

"Dude, nobody is saying that. Fuck, turn that off." Ander pointed at Cayetana referring to the music. "We're not in the same boat as you and none of us have lost our sister."

Guzman pushed him away. "Whatever! Do you know what? My sister didn't die. She was killed! My sister was murdered! Alright? You don't seem to get that into your skull." I watched him with sympathy and pity, he was breaking down. I grabbed Lu's hand as a gesture of comfort, she looked down not knowing what to sat after her boyfriend outburst.

"Please, Ander, take him away," Lu ordered after Guzman threw up on Cayetana's floor.

I went to his side followed by Polo and Ander. They grabbed on arm each and wrapped them around their shoulders to drag him away.

"I'm fine." he murmured.

"Let's go," I said one last time before heading to Polo's car.


Ander helped Guzman get up from his bed, we needed to take his dirty clothes off. Ander took off his jacket while Polo was assigned to take off his pants.

"Don't get a hard-on now, Polo..." he laughed at his friend, he was completely drunk.

"Come on, help me a little," Ander complained as Guzman was doing nothing, just laying there.

"Let me," I said, helping him take Guzman's shirt off.

"Easy, or I'll be the one getting a hard-on." he looked at me making me roll my eyes at his childish behavior. 

"That's nice," he whispered. "My best friends..."

"Grab his arms," Ander instructed Polo, they needed to make him lay in a proper position of he would have fallen from the bed.

"Mission accomplished," I said looking at my best friend laying peacefully.

"Shall we go?" Polo looked at us. I nodded, the same did Ander.

"No, don't leave!" Guzman almost shouted. "Stay here with me for a while. Like we used to do. Remember?" he grabbed my wrist so that I couldn't go. "Do it for me."

The two boys looked at each other. "Will we all fit in the bed?" Ander asked.

"Guys, are you serious?" I asked shocked.

"Come on, Isabelle. It's not like we haven't' sleep all together in one bed." Polo tried to persuade me.

"Yes, we did, when we were kids." I pointed out. They didn't listen to me, starting to get their clothes off.

"Izzy, come one. Seriously, it would just like seeing you in a bikini. And it's not like anyone in this room hasn't seen you naked before." he pointed at my ex-boyfriend. I rolled my eyes before giving up, I took off my shoes and my dress, remaining in my underwear.

"Here." I turned around seeing Ander handing me his shirt. I smiled slightly before putting it on, it felt so good. Polo jumped in bed beside Guzman.

"Guys." Polo attired our attention. "Were you ever hot for Guzman?" I almost chocked at his question.

"What are you saying?" Ander spoke for both of us as I sat on the edge of the bed. "Were you?"

"Me? No, no way." Polo shook his head.

"What about me?" he smirked. Ander scoffed at his question while I just glared at him.

"Were you two hot for me?"

"Every day, Polo." I joked laying down next to him.

"You wish!" was the last thing Ander said before laying down too. That's how I found myself between the two boys.

"I've been sleeping alone for some time." Polo looked up to the ceiling. "The warmth is appreciated." he turned to me and Ander. He wrapped an arm around my waist, touching Ander's bare chest with his fingertips. 

"Easy with the touching." Ander scolded him.

"Why? Are you nervous?" he smirked playfully. "Or horny?" he pushed himself up. I covered my face at his words, gosh. "Because I'm getting hard as hell," he revealed.

"Polo!" I lectured him. "What are you doing?" I asked as I felt his hand lowering from my waist.

"You're fucking kidding me!" Ander shook his head at his horny behavior. "Cover yourself, you bastard." Ander turned away at seeing Polo's hard member.

"Look who's talking," he said pointing at Ander's member.

"Guys! Seriously?"

I felt Polo fingers right above my covered core. "You're no better, Izzy."

"It's not like I can control it!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

"We can fix these," he whispered. Ander turned his head to the right where Guzman was sleeping.

"With him here?" Polo didn't answer, slowly taking my panties off and placing his hand right between my legs, caressing my core. I gasped at that sudden action, it had been a long time since someone had touched me. I turned my head, facing Ander and united our lips without even thinking it. He kissed back with force, his hand touching my neck, then my chest caressing and kissing my breasts. I gasped in Ander's mouth as Polo inserted a finger in me, we were absolutely crazy. I grabbed both of their hard members with my hands, stroking and pumping, moving my hands up and down.

"Tomorrow we forget about it, okay?" Polo whispered on my neck.

"Yeah, we are just friends jerking off," Ander replied. He closed his eyes at the pleasure, letting his head fall on my chest.

Hope you like the little twist at the end! Gosh, I'm so unclean after writing this but it was worth it ahahah.
Let me know in the comments who do you think Isabella will end up with.


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