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"Carla." I laughed at the girl's effort to zip up her dress. "Let me help you." she sighed, before allowing me to take over. She had always been a stubborn girl.

"This dress suits you, darling. You look like a goddess." I said once I zipped up her white dress. I turned her completely to me, fixing her one shoulder strap.

"Look who is talking! You're stunning, Izzy." she grabbed my hand, turning me around. "This blue dress makes you look so hot! If I was into girls, I would hook up with you." she winked before turning back to fix her makeup in the large mirror in the girls' locker room. I chuckled at her comment before falling silent when I saw on the corner of my eye Marina approaching us.

I flashed a small smile at the redhead.

"Do you know what you're doing to your family and mine? You should be ashamed betraying your people like that." Carla affirmed disgusted by only Marina's sight.

"They will be all right, Carla," she answered calmly. "If your father pays. You have plenty of money." I couldn't' believe my so-called best friend was threatening another person, a person we grew up with.

"Right, like we can trust your boyfriend. How do I know he won't go to the press?" this watch matter was breaking our group into pieces.

"He won't, I assure you."

"Girls." I stepped in the middle of them. "Why don't we put aside our disagreements and enjoy this party?" I asked trying to take the edge off.

"I'm sorry, Isabella. Not everyone is as sweet and loyal to her friends as you." Carla said with a smile, caressing my cheek.

"The watch is in good hands," Marina concluded before walking away.


"Look who arrived! Miss Universe is here!" Christian yelled as I approached him and Ander in the school gym.

"Hey!" Ander nudged him. "That's my girlfriend you are talking about!" I chuckled at his jealous behavior. "Hello gorgeous." he smiled wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Chris," I called him. "Carla is waiting for you." I pointed the dance floor to him, he thanked me before running to his girlfriend.

"Baby, you look beautiful." he hugged me. "No, beautiful is so reductive. There are no words to express your beauty."

I placed a hand on his chest. "Since when you are so romantic?" I trailed my fingertips on his shirt.

"Since I happen to date the hottest girl in the entire world." he pressed a kiss on my neck, grinning at me as he looked up to me.

The teacher told us to gather around the stage, where the award ceremony would have taken place. I grabbed Ander's wrist dragging him where it had been told to us. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as the announcer started talking. I leaned my head onto his chest, my fingers intertwined with his on my stomach.

"For one of the students, based on the performances of the last year, this trophy not only means the satisfaction of a job well done but also a scholarship to study at our high school in Florida. From there, you can go to an Ivy League college. And the winner is..." the woman on stage opened the white envelope to reveal the winner's name. "Marina Nunier." everyone in the gym applauded as the lights focused on Marina. I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding why Marina had won the prize, she had not been an exemplar student that year. I looked up to Ander, he shrugged not caring very much about the situation.

"Hello." she grabbed the microphone. "Thank you for the award, but I think someone else deserves it more. I don't really have much to be proud of this year. So I'll take this opportunity to apologize. I'm sorry for all the damage I may have caused. For letting down those I love the most. And the people who made me feel so much in such a short time. I tried to avoid it. I tried to be a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend." I tighten my grip on Ander's hand. "I tried to live up to your feelings, Samuel. I wish we had our time machine to go back and start from scratch. But I was myself. Stubborn, unafraid of danger. And always getting into trouble. I'm sorry." she finished, getting off of the stage. I had been touched deeply by her words, I was speechless of how mature she had become.

I excused myself before following the girl as she entered the building. I found her at her locker, in the hallway.

"Don't do it," I say all of a sudden, making her jump. "You can't run away just like that. Stay here, for fuck's sake! Stay here and fix your problems." I spitted angrily.

"Izzy, you know I can't," she said grabbing her backpack from her locker.

"Stop! These are just excuses. Running away won't fix anything." I continued, stopping her from going.

"So what am I supposed to do? Be embarrassed and ashamed for the rest of my life?" she answered with the same tone.

"Return the watch to Carla, it will end that way. You won't need to hide anymore. Everything will be back to normal." I was almost begging her. "Return the watch."

"Isabelle, you know I love you, you are my best friend. I don't want to leave you with anger and hatred towards me." she hugged me.

"Marina." I sobbed into her shoulder.

"It's best for everyone."

Few chapters left for season 1, I'm already starting to write about season 2, so don't worry! You won't be without updates for long!


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