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"Carla, calm down!" I said following her as he walked back and forth in the school's hallway. I grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop in her track and look at me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked when I got her full attention.

She sighed before grabbing my wrist and bringing me into the girl's bathroom. Once she made sure there was no one in there she looked at me.

"Can I trust you? You can't tell anyone," she said seriously leaning against the sink.

"Of course you can trust me, Carla," I said as a matter of obvious. "I've been your best friend since we were kids," I took her hand begging her to open up with me.

"I know, I know, Izzy. It's just- it's a serious matter." she rubbed her forehead. "Someone broke into our house and stole something." she looked at me directly into my eyes. I gasped at that revelation. "They stole some watches." I furrowed my eyebrows, she was worried about some watches?

"I don't care about them," she said as if she had read my mind. "Yet, inside one of them, there is a USB key that contains information about my father's business. Isabelle, they are blackmailing us," she said, not scared or afraid, determined.

"What does your father think about it?" I asked knowing the kind of irascible person her father was.

"He doesn't want to pay." she paused.

"You have never got involved in your father's business in your life. What changed?" I asked leaning on the sink too, beside her.

"The ones who broke into our house knew the alarm code, so they have been to our house before. By the little amount of money they asked it's evident they are amateurs."

"You think it's someone you know?" I asked blown away.

"If someone dared to cross me, I need to take care of it. This doesn't involve just my father's work, but also our family," she affirmed resolutely and powerfully.

"You already know who did it." I realized, I knew her too well.

"I'm pretty sure it was Marina." she declared, taking me by surprise.

"Marina? She doesn't need money." I stated, her family was in trouble but she wouldn't fly so low.

"She knew the code and where to find them. Concerning the purpose, Marina is known for hanging out with sketchy friends and falling under their influence," she said stone-coldly.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean she would help someone rob your house. We've all been friends since forever." I didn't want to believe she could do something like that, even though the evidence all pointed to her.

"Last but not least," she interrupted me, sitting on one of the bleachers. "After I told her about the little amount of money they asked, they demanded the double."

"Oh my God," I muttered putting my head in my hands. "This is unbelievable."


"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes!" I exclaimed entering the big lounge of Polo's house. I dropped my books on the comfy sofa before letting myself fall on it. I closed my eyes, enjoying the little moment of relaxing.

"Everything's okay?" I heard my friend sitting beside me, with his notebooks next to mine.

"Uh... yeah, kind of." I rubbed my closed eyes. "It's just all this shit with Marina, then Carla, then Ander. It's all messed up."

Polo chuckled. "Yeah, don't tell me about it. I'm living in the mess."

"Always the same with Carla?" I asked, wondering what was going on in my friend's life.

"It seems like now she is in some sort of relationship with Christian," he shook his head. "And she doesn't want to forgive me for manipulating the guy."

"Come on! You have always been Polo and Carla, I'm sure everything will work out just fine."

"You think?" he was so unsure when it came to her.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if she has a thing for Christian now, it's a little crush, it'll pass and she will come back straight into your arms." I punched slightly his arm making his giggle.

"Thank you, Little Dove."

"O my god! Does that nickname still exist?" I burst out in laughter at hearing the nickname the boys used to call me when we were younger.

"Of course it does! And now that it came back to my mind I will use it more often." he teased me. "And I'll tell the others too."

"Gosh!" I covered my face with my hands. "I didn't even remember its existence"

"I do. Guzman and I used to tease you so much about it until you got used to it." he laughed.

"Even Ander, why did you say only you and Guzman?" I asked confused.

He chuckled once more at my question. "You may not remember but I do, perfectly. He called you Little Dove too, but you were his 'Queenie'." he said making me blush as the memories returned to the surface. "He knew he was in love with you since you were kids, kind of annoying if you ask me." I shook my head at his childish behavior.

Our little time travel was interrupted by Polo's phone ringing. He picked it up, showing me the screen. "The prince in shining armor heard us," he commented with a smirk as Ander's name popped up in his screen.

"Hey buddy," he replied. "What are you talking about? Wait-" he looked at his phone confused and worried.

"Something's wrong?" I asked.

"He said he and Guzman are coming here, something bad happened." he looked at me speechless.

Thank you so much for 1k reads in just a few days. I can't believe it! You are amazing I swear!
In the meantime, enjoy!!


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