day to day

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Something important about quarantine is to not think too far ahead into the future. It's much easier to keep myself entertained if I just focus on finding something to do right now, rather than admitting that I have nothing to do for the next...potentially several months of my life.

It's better to not think about the fact that prom isn't happening next Saturday anymore.

Or that Art Fest was supposed to be Friday.

Or the fact that I'm never going to experience that last day of high school.

Or that maybe fall semester of college could be online, too.

Or how AP exams have been turned completely upside down, and EOCs aren't even happening anymore.

Instead I'll just reread Percy Jackson for the fifth time this week. Yeah, that'll show COVID.

God, I'm so bored.

QuaranteensDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora