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Grace owns about five books, and the only reason she has them is from summer reading assignments from years past. A sin, if you ask me, but whatever.

"I can't believe you chose Fahrenheit 451 over Animal Farm," I sighed.

"Well, how was I supposed to know it was boring?"

"It's called Fahrenheit 451."

"I was young and impressionable, sue me," she flipped through the pages of my NatGeo magazine, skimming the articles, probably just looking at the pictures.

"Oh? And who pressured you into being boring?"

"Shut up."

"Mmh," I took a long sip of lemonade. It was tart, that's how you knew Grace's mom made it.

"You know, I find out new things everyday."

"That's random," I spoke, looking up from my newest book from my big Amazon haul, Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell, anyone?). "But I'll bite."

"Did you know Jeremy was your neighbor?" I looked up at her with the most "really Grace?" look I could capture. "What?"

"How would I not know?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you never leave your house, even when you could."

"Hey! I left the house-"

"Grocery shopping with your mom doesn't count, Nate."

I put my bookmark in and made a big show of pouting, muttering a "it totally does" under my breath just loud enough for Grace to hear.

"Oh my God," she giggled, setting down the magazine.

"I left the house all the time...for like...parties."

"Your cousin's birthday doesn't count."

"Oh what? Why not?"

"He was turning nine, Nate."


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