movie night

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"Oh my God," Grace whispered, enamored by the iPad propped up on a lawn chair in front of us. It was movie night, and I'd proposed watching nature documentaries on Netflix instead of choosing a movie, mostly because we'd already watched everything good.

"He's gonna eat it," Jeremy said excitedly, also extremely into the predators and the gruesome deaths. "He's gonna eat it!"

"Shut up Jeremy!" Grace cried, "they can't kill everything, right? They have to show some of them getting away?"

"Sure," I replied, already having watched this one, knowing the gazelle would get its neck snapped.

Jeremy and Grace waited with baited breath, leaned forward on their hands, straining to see every detail on the small screen. Grace audibly let out a gasp of sad exclamation when the lion seized the gazelle by the neck, covered up by Jeremy going "Thatta boy!"

"You're a monster," Grace scoffed at Jeremy, leaning back and pouting.

"No, that lion is a monster, a beast, did you see how fast he caught up?"

"That was a she," I corrected, "no mane, only lionesses hunt."

"Badass," Grace switched sides, nodding approvingly.

"What? What do lions do all day then?"

"Uh," I stammered, "they just- well they just kind of lay around."

"Oh! And have women do all the work," Grace huffed, "I see how it is."

"Lions are not very progressive," I commented.

The rest of the documentary played uninterrupted, except when it talked about two lions, uhm...getting it on, and Jeremy whooped and hollered mockingly.

"This is your type?" Grace snickered to me, immediately making my entire face heat up, and I could barely speak for the rest of the night.

We only called it because Jeremy's mom told him to come inside for dinner.

"Next time, we're watching Princess and the Frog," he said excitedly, before saying bye and hopping the fence with ease.

"You know what," Grace said while rolling up her towel, "I take it back, he's alright."

"What? Why?"

"Princess and the Frog is a classic."

"Your standards are so weird."

"Sue me."

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