digital learning

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Spring had decided to act like spring again, the rain heavily hit the roof and made the roof sound like static on the tv with the pitch lowered. It was so foggy and gross outside I couldn't even see the fence that separated Grace and I's house.

"Did you see that lightning? Holy shit," Grace's voice lagged a bit due to my shitty wifi, made worse by the rain, of course.

"No, I've got my blinds drawn."


The room was dim, grey light filtering in through the gaps in my blinds and giving a dull glow to the room. I had my laptop open and playing Spotify, some random, shuffled playlist playing softly from across the room.

"So what've you been doing?" Grace had her phone on her windowsill, facing toward her sitting at her desk as she was on some Zoom call.

"Absolutely nothing," I groaned, pulling myself up into a sitting position. It was three in the afternoon and I hadn't even left my bed yet.

"Well, I've been having a blast doing this FRQ that's due today."

"There's an FRQ today?"

"It's due in about forty minutes."


"Want me to share my doc? I think I understand it."

"Yes, my God, please. Thank you, Grace."

"Say you like Jeremy first."

"Nevermind, consider yourself out of the will."

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