a new challenger approaches

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Grace lended me her new knockoff AirPods (fruitypods, I have found out) in return for letting her take a couple books from my bookshelf. I may or may not have gotten her hooked on Harry Potter, completely on accident, of course.

I was listening to my bathroom floor playlist, created at four in the morning, just like some of the best pieces of art out there. It's a good day today, I decided. It's not too hot, not too humid, and there's actually a couple wispy clouds in the sky.

"Power off," the left earbud chimed, audio cutting off abruptly and my music auto pausing. Shitty things only have about two hours of charge in them.

Without opening my eyes I took the pod out and laid it on my table, letting my hand heavily fall back to my stomach.

"So you just sit out here all day, huh?"

"Ah, fuck," I sucked in air, jerking up into a sitting position. I blinked and looked over to my left, and there sat Jeremy Wilson.

"On a scale of 1-10, I think you're deadly bored," he was leaning on the railing of his porch, in clear view over the short fence separating our yards (then again, all the fences seem short compared to Grace's).

"Deathly bored," I corrected, "What do you want, Jeremy?"

"Same as you, I desperately want something to do." He pulled over a chair from his patio table and sat down close to the railing.

"Well, as you can see, I am extraordinarily busy."

"Ah, yes, with your...pink AirPods, I see." My ears warmed up a bit as I glanced over at the pastel pods.

"They're Grace's."

"If you say so, dude."

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