beach party: electric boogaloo

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i really wanted to do double updates, as in 10 chapters today, but i just couldn't. sorry guys, i'm gonna try and do it next week.

back to your regularly scheduled programming...

A soft summer tune played through Jeremy's speaker, and Grace had bought pizza for the occasion. It'd been so long since a nice, warm, cheesy piece of pizza had been in front of me. Not going to lie, it gave me flashbacks to every single class party I'd ever attended, and I felt that familiar quarantine sadness again.

"So, classes ended today," Grace said, taking an overly large bite of pepperoni pizza, "Mrs. Neal cried on the call."

"No way," Jeremy responded quickly, "she's like a brick wall, no emotion."

"I know, I know, that's why I was so surprised."

"You're making me feel bad for sleeping through the call," I admitted, sullenly eating my third slice.

"Well, don't feel too bad. I haven't been attending any of the classes." Grace visibly moved away from Jeremy in shock.

"None of them? Wh- Why?" Taking a hesitant bite of her pizza, she tucked her legs under neath herself.

"Why go to them?" He shrugged, finishing his sixth slice.

"Because, well, it's class."

"I don't know, teachers can't put in any grades that hurt our average, so what's the point in doing anything at all?"

Grace and I stilled for a moment, staring at Jeremy with matching blank stares. He awkwardly shifted his legs, eyes switching between the two of us.

"What do you mean they can't?" I asked, Googling it to see if he was right.

"Yeah, can they really not?" Grace echoed.

"Uh, yeah, it was in one of the emails sent out."

I turned to look at Grace, both of us stunned into silence at the amount of work we'd been doing for our AP classes, that all was for nothing.

"I just took three days to do a project for econ," I murmured, "I already had a 100 in that class..."

"Yesterday I did a 45 minute timed write in 20 minutes because I had a mental breakdown over having a zero in the gradebook..."

We were all silent, befre Jeremy chimed in, "I haven't done any work in a month."

"Shut the fuck up," Grace responded.

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