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"How did you convince your mom to pay for this?" Grace's pink knockoff AirPod was in my left ear, playing some Harry Styles song she claimed was "the song of the summer even though it was released in winter".

"I brought up how she doesn't have to pay for my dance classes anymore."

"Ah," I looked off, and then up, at the cloudless sky.

Grace was a dancer before she was a student, which was super hard to believe, even for me. This was going to be her last recital before she went off to college and focused on her career.

It had been called off earlier this week.

"Yeah, compared with paying hundreds of dollars for costumes to some rinky dink forty dollar knockoffs, I think she liked this better."


We sat there and listened to her playlist for a little while.

"Skip this one."



"What, do you think we're made of money?"

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