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It's hot. So hot. Incredibly and intolerably hot, to the point where I can't even describe it with appropriate words to properly express how disgusting it is. I am sticky, sweaty, nasty, and gross. The cool breeze of the floor fan inches from my face is the only small relief I have, save for an empty glass of ice water to my left.

"I forget what cold feels like," Jeremy said, his voice empty.

"What's that?" I replied, in the same tone of voice.

"I can't do this anymore," Jeremy said, sitting up and reaching for the hem of his shirt.

What? I thought, what is that supposed to mean? At most I expected him to just say he would go inside, and just call me instead. Which, of course, would be a bummer, mostly because I just enjoy his presence, but I would understand. No, no, the least expected thing happened, which I really should have expected; we're both guys, after all.

Jeremy took his shirt off.

Now, I have seen many guys shirtless, I am a high schooler and have been in my fair share of locker rooms. Hell, I've seen guys I didn't want to see shirtless, without any clothes on. But, I was not prepared to witness this.

"Oh," I whispered, sure he couldn't hear me, and I swear I felt my heart sink through my ass and my face become a blazing oven. Barely tanned white boy chest, on full display. Not a single chest hair to be seen, smoother than a korean model's face.

"Oh?" He questioned, smirking like hw knew what he was doing.

"Nothing," I quickly said, narrowing my eyes and pretending I was not blushing like a schoolgirl who just saw a boys knee for the first time.

"Mmm," he hummed, sitting down and leaning back to check his phone. How had we gone almost a month, me being mostly shirtless, and I had never seen his chest before? Not even when we had beach parties, he always came in swim trunks and a tank top, at least. I should be desensitized to this! I see my own chest all the time, and they're practically the same.

So why is this affecting me so much?

"I'm so touch starved," I pointlessly admitted, staring off into space.

"Welcome to the club," Jeremy responded without flinching.

I just clasped my hands and sighed. Honestly, I would just avoid all of this and go back inside, but this is the most entertainment I'll get.

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