here comes the sun

46 4 0

For what felt like the fifty second day in a row, I was laying on my bed scrolling through my phone for any semblance of entertainment. Soft music from my laptop had become a staple at this point, I didn't think it was possible to be any more bored than I already was, but I severely overestimated my imaginative capability.

My phone chimed with a notification from Grace, she had resorted to sending me memes over Instagram as a form of communication, like modern hieroglyphics or something.

"I'm so bored," I mumbled to my empty room, turning my head just to scan over my things. As if I didn't know exactly what was in this room already.

I rolled over, deciding to just go back to sleep, even though I'd just woken up. The covers were warm, and the sound of the drizzle outside was just heavy enough to soothe my boredom into a quiet half-sleep mumble.

A retro tune interrupted my semi-slumber, notifying me of a FaceTime. I groaned, rolling back over and flipping my phone over to see...

Jeremy Wilson. In all his glory, staring back at me with the most excited expression I'd seen him wear.

Hesitating just a second, I pressed the accept button with my thumb.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Hello to you too! Anyways, what are you doing?" He carried on unfazed, laying on his stomach with his chin resting on a pillow.

"I was sleeping," I sighed, rolling onto my back and propping myself up into a sitting position.

"Sleeping? It's seven at night, what are you doing sleeping?"

"Look, there's nothing else to do."

"Well, you've got that right." There was a slight pause after he spoke. I sighed deeply again.

"Jeremy," I said, weary, "what do you want?"

" you have the Percy Jackson series by any chance?"

"Oh my God," I groaned.

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